How to move devices between folders in MobiControl


Folders in MobiControl are used to manage and structure devices as a group.

The Two Servers

How to move a device

To move a device on Mob2 and Mobi - MobiControl servers, you need to:

  1. Unfold the folder structure, locate the device or devices you wish to move.
  2. Mark the devices you wish to move by clicking where the red dot is on the picture or the circle above to mark all devices in that folder.

  3. Left-click and hold on a whitespace area on the device information.
    Continue holding the mouse key while dragging the devices to the desired folder (Click "move" to continue).

  4. If you see this popup, just click "Move"

  5. The device(s) are now found in the designated target folder (Test on the picture below), updated with that target folder's configurations, and soon ready for use.

Usage of folders in MobiControl

To learn more about the purpose of standard folders in MobiControl, please refer to this article: Usage of MobiControl Folders