Cleanup Windows Device

Cleanup Windows Device


To re-enroll a Windows Mobile Device, it is necessary to clean the device. The uninstaller for the MobiControl Agent does not remove all installed files from the device. 

The cleanup process requires two steps as outlined below:

  1. Remove the MobiControl App
  2. Delete MobiControl files on the device

1. Remove MobiControl app from Device

  1. Go to Settings > System > Remove Programs
  2. Select MobiControl from the list and then click the "Remove" button.

The next step is to delete all files and folders relating to MobiControl. 

2. Delete MobiControl Files from Device

  1. Go to File Explorer > Flash File Store (this is the default storage folder. If another storage folder was set during install time, the files are in that folder*)
  2. Find the file named "pdb.ini." long press on the file and click "Delete"
  3. Find the folder "PdbPkg" and delete that as well
  4. Go to File Explorer > My Device and delete the files "PkInst" and "PkCtrlSv"

  1. Find the folder "PdbInfo" and delete that as well.
  2. When these files and folders are deleted, restart the device to verify the uninstallation is completed successfully.

*On Motorola/Symbol devices, the default storage folder is "Application" instead of "Flash File Store"