Problems scanning a Interleaved 2 of 5 barcode
Problems scanning a Interleaved 2 of 5 barcode
My scanner cannot scan an Interleaved 2 of 5 barcodes; all other barcodes work as intended.
This issue typically applies to Zebra devices.
- Unlock the device: I want to unlock a device - Support Knowledge Base - Tasklet Factory Docs
- Launch DataWedge.
- Select the Target Profile MobileWMS.
- Under Barcode input, select Configure scanner settings.
- Select Decoders.
- Click on Interleaved 2of5
- Check Enabled
- Optionally change the values of length1 and length2 (min and max barcode length).
- Go back into Mobile WMS
- Test Again
If this does not solve the problem, Raise a Service Desk Ticket or update your existing one.
In either case, please share the barcode in question and a scan of the barcode following this procedure: Problems scanning a barcode (Scan Info) - Support Knowledge Base - Tasklet Factory Docs
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