Problems scanning a Interleaved 2 of 5 barcode

Problems scanning a Interleaved 2 of 5 barcode


My scanner cannot scan an Interleaved 2 of 5 barcodes; all other barcodes work as intended.

This issue typically applies to Zebra devices.


  1. Unlock the device: I want to unlock a device - Support Knowledge Base - Tasklet Factory Docs
  2. Launch DataWedge.
  3. Select the Target Profile MobileWMS.
  4. Under Barcode input, select Configure scanner settings.
  5. Select Decoders.
  6. Click on Interleaved 2of5
  7. Check Enabled 
  8. Optionally change the values of length1 and length2 (min and max barcode length).
  9. Go back into Mobile WMS
  10. Test Again

If this does not solve the problem, Raise a Service Desk Ticket or update your existing one.

In either case, please share the barcode in question and a scan of the barcode following this procedure: Problems scanning a barcode (Scan Info) - Support Knowledge Base - Tasklet Factory Docs