Create Quarantine Order in Mobile WMS

Create Quarantine Order in Mobile WMS

 Create quarantine order

Available from Version 3.4 of Mobile WMS for Dynamics AX/365FO 

Video: How to create quarantine orders in Mobile WMS. 

How to create a quarantine order

If you want to create a quarantine order from the mobile device, then you navigate to the context menu and select "Create Quarantine Orders". 

This is available from context menus in "Locate Item" and "Location Content". If you need to make it available from some where else, then the "Application.cfg" file needs to be adjusted. This is a very simple task. Either look in the knowledge base or ask for support. 

Context menu from the menu item "Locate item". From here you select the "Create Quarantine Orders" menu.


Step by step work flow of creating quarantine orders.


Continued step by step work flow of creating quarantine orders.

Available from Version 3.6 of Mobile WMS for Dynamics AX/365FO and Mobile WMS app version for Android

As of version 3.6 an extra step has been added to the work flow 'Add image'. This step opens the camera on the mobile device and you are able to document the issue. 


After image has been captured, you can enter a comment and walk through the last steps to complet the creation of a quarantine order.

Step number 4 in the example above is the "Add image", where you open the camera on the mobile device.

Now the quarantine order has been created and the image has been sent to Dynamics AX/365FO for asynchronous upload. Images can be large and thus request longer time to upload than the XML with registered data. The asynchronous upload is to ensure that the registrations gets posted and you can continue with new registrations. Meanwhile in the background the image will be uploaded to Dynamics AX/365FO.

Once the image is uploaded, it is attached to the quarantine order using standard attachment functionalities.