Landed Cost

Landed Cost

Landed Cost - How it Works in Mobile WMS

Available in Mobile WMS for Dynamics AX/365FO version 3.14 and newer.

Landed cost provides accurate and timely cost estimates for overhead landed costs. At the same time, it provides increased financial and logistical visibility into the extended supply chain. It also helps reduce the administration of costing and costing errors.

Through Mobile WMS you can either receive via goods in transit or directly post product receipts from voyages with purchase orders.


Every voyage has at least 1 shipment and 1 purchase order, but you can have multiple purchase orders on the same voyage. Below image illustrates this.

From a processing perspective you can receive the voyage in two ways. Below image illustrates the two paths. 

Invoice - Goods In Transit Orders Created

You can generate goods in transit orders, when you have invoiced the purchase orders through a voyage. 

Once the purchase orders are invoiced, the items are received and GIT orders are created to move the on-hand goods to a special warehouse of the type "Goods In Transit".

A standard requirement is the location from the purchase order line has to be present in GIT warehouse. When you receive GIT orders, the items are now available in that specified location they originally were receipt on. 

When GIT orders are created the status is "In transit" and a completed order has status "Finished". 

Below image shows the GIT setup on warehouses. 

Mobile WMS - GIT Orders

Using Mobile WMS to receive GIT orders you will register the required dimensions to ensure posting can be done correctly. 

GIT Created

Standard landed cost creates Goods In Transit Orders when you invoice the voyage. See below image.

During invoicing the goods are received into the receiving warehouse and then automatically moved from here to the GIT warehouse.

GIT Received

At the same time GIT orders are created to cover the transfer back to the original receiving warehouse. When these are eventually posted, the goods are moved back again into the receiving warehouse. See below image.


Mobile WMS provides extra flexibility regarding receipt of goods and their respective dimensions aka. location, batch and serial number. 

The specialties in Mobile WMS regarding these dimensions are described in below sections. 


GIT orders are receipt into the location stated on the purchase order. The location also has to exist in the GIT warehouse. 

If you want to register another location, you simply do that using Mobile WMS without extra steps. What happens is a receipt into the original location and a transfer journal moves the item to the new location. It is an extra transaction due to standard landed cost only offers receipts into the original location.

Batch Number

Batch numbers must have automatic generation for the GIT orders to be created. 

If you want to register a batch number matching the physical goods, you need to set the parameter to 'Yes'. Then the mobile device user registers the batch number and posts. A transfer journal is automatically created using the registered batch number.  

Serial Number

Similar to batch number, the item must have automatic serial numbers created for the GIT orders to process. GIT orders are receipt using the automatically created serial numbers. But with Mobile WMS you are able to register the actual serial number during physical receipt of the goods.

The mobile device user does not see the extra transactions, but only has to register and post. But as you can see on below image, a transfer journal is created and posted with the actual serial numbers. 


When your quantities does not match quantities on GIT orders, an Over/Under Transaction Number is created depending on your tolerances setup. 

The processing of Over/Under Transaction Numbers is typically not a part of the warehouse operations and hence this requires to be processed from the D365FO client.

Post Product Receipt

The biggest difference from a standard purchase order product receipt is the voyage. A voyage can have multiple purchase orders and upon receiving, you can receive on multiple purchase orders. 

Mobile WMS - Post Product Orders

Mobile WMS receives order lines across purchase orders as you would during a normal purchase order. When it comes to posting you must register the product receipt, and here multiple purchase orders could require unique registrations depending on parameter setup. In Mobile WMS you most register a product receipt to keep registrations simplified. If the receipt covers multiple purchase orders, we ensure that the registration gets a postfix to secure unique values regardless of company setup. 

When you receive goods from more than one purchase order, your packing slips must be specified. From Mobile WMS we have simplified the posting process, so instead of asking for a packing slip for each purchase order, we only ask for one. During posting we ensure a unique packing slip, where we use the registered packing slip from the device and add a postfix '_#', where # is an incremental integer. Example given on below image. 

Transfer Orders

Transfer orders is not covered through Mobile WMS.