Pick (AX/FO)
Glenn Linaa
Tommy Lund Axelgaard
Supported pick order types
Here you can find more in-depth informations about the supported order typers.
Page:Consolidated Picking List (AX/FO) — The Mobile WMS application can consolidate multiple picking lists onto a single picking list.
Page:Item Requirement - Project (AX/FO) — The Mobile WMS application can be used to register picking on item requirements.
Page:Picking List (AX/FO) — The Mobile WMS application can be used to register the picking of items using the picking list registration.
Page:Sales Order (AX/FO) — The Mobile WMS application can be used to register the picking of items using the sales order.
Page:Transfer Orders - Pick (AX/FO) — The Mobile WMS application can be used to register the picking of items using the transfer order.
In the following sections is an overview of the picking registration flows in Dynamics AX/365FO, and a brief description of how these relate to mobile functionality.An in-depth walkthrough of each “picking” Mobile WMS menu item can be found in the links below.
“Pick orders” is a term introduced for Mobile WMS, used to imply all or some of the outbound document types mentioned below:
- Open sales orders with no picking list
- Picking lists created from sales orders
- Production input journals
- (Shipment) transfer orders
Mobile WMS setup in Dynamics AX/365FO have options for pick document types to include and exclude at the mobile devices. Two of those options, “Show sales” and “Show picking”, are mutually exclusive i.e. only one of these two checkmarks can be enabled at the same time:
Which checkmark is enabled will influence the underlying workflow required in Dynamics AX/365FO (while the workflow at the mobile devices remains consistent regardless of selection). Both options are entirely based on underlying standard functionality in Dynamics AX/365FO, and as such mirrors decisions that has been made in Dynamics AX/365FO already about how to process outbound orders.
In brief the options are:
- Show sales: Quantities picked can be posted by the mobile user directly against sales order documents with no picking list in place. This is the most simplified workflow since it does allow you to skip preparing Picking list documents for the sales orders ahead of time. The drawback is less control of what is released for picking, as sales orders will appear on mobile devices as soon as they are created.
- Show picking: This option offers the better control of what is being released for picking and when. However, it entails an additional step in the workflow as the warehouse manager will need to generate Picking list documents ahead of time.
Sections below covers both these workflows, and as such not every section or every screenshot may be relevant based on your current setup.
Accessing the Pick Orders
Page:Accessing Pick Orders in Mobile WMS (AX/FO) — This section describes how Dynamics AX/365FO workflows can be processed at the handheld mobile devices.
Pick Order Filters
Page:Pick Order Filters in Mobile WMS (AX/FO) — The purpose of the filter screen is to limit the number of orders sent to the mobile device.
Pick Order List
Page:Pick Order List in Mobile WMS (AX/FO) — Unlike in Dynamics AX/365FO, the mobile device displays in the same view a prioritized list of all “pick orders” (i.e. sales orders, picking routes or production picking journals) that are ready to be picked and posted.
Pick Order Lines
Filter by label
There are no items with the selected labels at this time.