Order Lines Post Request

Order Lines Post Request

Registration Data

When the mobile device is finished with an order it sends the registrations in this format. There can be several registrations related to a particular order line. The registrations are grouped under each order line.

  • UnitOfMeasure [string10]
    The unit of measure of the registration.

  • Quantity [decimal]
    The registrered quantity.

  • LotNumber [string50]
    The registered lot number. If the RegisterExpirationDate flag is set on the order line the field will contain both the lot number and the Expiration date (separated by a ”,” [can be changed in the configuration file]). The mobile user is allowed to register the expiration date in the short date format of the current regional settings on the mobile device, but the date format on the registration is always: dd-MM-yyyy

  • SerialNumber [string50]
    The registered serial number. If the RegisterExpirationDate flag is set on the order line the field will contain both the serial number and the expiration date (separated by a ”,” [can be changed in the configuration file]). The mobile user is allowed to register the expiration date in the short date format of the current regional settings on the mobile device, but the date format on the registration is always: dd-MM-yyyy

  • (ExpirationDate - see LotNumber and SerialNumber)
  • ToBin [string50]
    The bin where the handled item was placed.

  • FromBin [string50]
    The bin where the handled item was taken from.

  • ActionType [string: TAKE / PLACE]
    The action type tells if the registration was related to taking the item or to placing it. Depending on how the order line was setup regarding the ”ValidateFromBin” and ”ValidateToBin” flags, there will either be just a TAKE / PLACE registration or a TAKE / PLACE pair.

The relationship between Lines and Registrations

  • A "Registration" is when a line has been processed by completing all the Steps.
  • Each line have one or more "Registrations".

When a Post Request Line contains multiple Registrations

  • The document line represents several (tracked) items. The line is split from the backend.


  • The warehouse worker has decided split the registrations, i.e.:
    • Picked from different Bins
    • Registered different values in Line Steps.
    • See line "10030000" in the example below.

<request name="PostPickOrder" created="2018-11-19T12:13:53+01:00" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/Dynamics/Mobile/2007/04/Documents/Request">
  <requestData name="PostPickOrder">
    <Order backendID="SO-1004" xmlns="http://schemas.taskletfactory.com/MobileWMS/RegistrationData">
      <Line lineNumber="10010000">
        <Registration created="2018-11-19T10:36:44+01:00" xmlns="">
          <FromBin />
          <ToBin />
          <LotNumber />
          <SerialNumber />
      <Line lineNumber="10020000">
        <Registration created="2018-11-19T12:12:16+01:00" xmlns="">
          <FromBin />
          <ToBin />
          <SerialNumber />
      <Line lineNumber="10030000">
        <Registration created="2018-11-19T12:13:33+01:00" xmlns="">
          <FromBin />
          <ToBin />
          <LotNumber />
        <Registration created="2018-11-19T12:13:51+01:00" xmlns="">
          <FromBin />
          <ToBin />
          <LotNumber />

One document line split into three registrations on the Mobile Device due to it representing three Serial numbers.