Planned (Service) Mobile Configuration
Planned (Service) Mobile Configuration
<application> ... <services> <service id="Receive" type="Order" initializeOnStartup="true" orderType="Receive" workflowId="standard" operationMode="Online"> <requests> <getOrders>GetReceiveOrders</getOrders> <getOrderLines>GetReceiveOrderLines</getOrderLines> <postOrder>PostReceiveOrder</postOrder> <liveUpdate>RegisterRealtimeQuantity</liveUpdate> </requests> <validation> <fromBinValidation documentName="" online="true"/> <lotNumberValidation documentName="" online="true"/> <serialNumberValidation documentName="" online="true" validationLevel="Item"/> <toBinValidation documentName="" online="true"/> </validation> </service> <services> ... </application>
- <service> - Definition of a service used in the page configurations.
- id = "" - Id to reference from the pages.
- type = "Order" - Definition of the backend service type. Currently, there is only the Order type.
- Order - Service type for getting orders. Receive, Pick, Put Away and so forth.
- orderFilterGs1AI
- Attribute for setting which Gs1 AI's should be used to filter an order list, when scanning a Gs1 barcode.
- When nothing is defined here, the itemNumberAI defined in the Workflow, will be used.
- initializeOnStartup = "false" - Initialize service on app startup.
- orderType= "" - Used in the communication to the backend to direct requests to the relevant type.
- lineCompletedDefinition - Completed lines are colored green and non-completed lines are selected before completed (Defaults to "Expected")
- Expected: The order line is considered completed when the registrations match the expected quantity defined on the order line
- AnyRegistration: The order line is considered completed when any registration is made. Often used when performing count operations
- workflowId = "standard" - Reference to a workflow configuration that suites the needs for registration.
- operationMode = "Online" - Sets the behaviour of the device based on the network coverage and working scenario. Can be set to the following three modes.
- Offline - In areas with poor or no network coverage, offline mode enables the device to download all orders and order lines, at the beginning of the day and work completely offline. Registrations can be posted when network coverage is available.
- Online - Requires resonable network coverage as entering an order causes a call to the backend to download the order lines.
- OnlineWithLiveUpdate - Requires good network coverage, and is used to get a realtime overview of the items in a warehouse. It causes the device to send all registrations to the backend every time a new one is made. Posting is still required to complete the registrations.
- <requests> - List of requests used to communicate with the backend.
- <getOrders></getOrders> - Request name for getting orders.
- <getOrderLines></getOrderLines> - Request name for getting order lines.
- <liveUpdate>RegisterRealtimeQuantity</liveUpdate> - Defines the document to invoke on the backend if operation mode is set to OnlineWithLiveUpdate. This causes registrations to be sent to the backend as soon as they are made, and provides a real time view of items in the warehouse. Posting at the end is still required.
- <lockOrder>LockOrder</lockOrder> - Request name for locking an order.
- <unlockOrder>UnlockOrder</unlockOrder> - Request name for unlocking an order.
- <postOrder>PostOrder</postOrder> - Request name for posting an order.
- lineSelection
- The document name in the request XML used when fetching line selection information. Defaults to 'GetLineSelectionInformation'.
- Used with lineselection in Order Lines Mobile Configuration
- The document name in the request XML used when fetching line selection information. Defaults to 'GetLineSelectionInformation'.
- lineSelection
- <validation> - Items in this section enables validation of FromBin, LotNumber, SerialNumner and ToBin, when performing registrations.
- <fromBinValiation> - Enable online from bin validation, checking the bin as registrations are being performed.
- documentName = "" - Name of the document responsible the validation on the backend.
- online = "false" - Sets weather the online from bin validation is enabled or not.
- <lotNumberValidation> - Enable online lot number validation, checking the lot as registrations are being performed. This validation can return a quantity which will be set as the quantity result, and a value defining if that quantity can be changed by the user.
- documentName = "" - Name of the document responsible the validation on the backend.
- online = "false" - Sets weather the online lot number validation is enabled or not.
- <serialNumberValidation> - Enable online serial number validation, checking the serial number as registrations are being performed. This validation can also return a quantity associated with the scanned serial number, and a value defining if that quantity can be changed by the user.
- documentName = "" - Name of the document responsible the validation on the backend.
- online = "false" - Sets weather the online validation is enabled or not.
- validationLevel = "" - Defines in which scope the scanned serial numbers needs to be unique.
- None
- Disable local serial number validation completely, allowing the same serial number to be registered multiple times
- Item
- A given serial number can only be registered once per item number, on the selected order. Prevents registering the same serial number on multiple order lines carrying the same item number
- Line
- A given serial number can only be registered once for each order line. Allows registering the same serial number on multiple order lines carrying the same item number
- Order
- A given serial number can only be registered once on the entire order
- A given serial number can only be registered once on the entire order
- None
- <toBinvalidation>
- documentName = "" - Name of the document responsible the validation on the backend.
- enabled = "" - Sets weather the online to bin validation is enabled or not.
- <fromBinValiation> - Enable online from bin validation, checking the bin as registrations are being performed.
- <validation> - Items in this section enables validation of FromBin, LotNumber, SerialNumner and ToBin, when performing registrations.
, multiple selections available,