Planned Functions

Planned Functions


Planned functions uses Header/Lines and includes actions for posting, viewing registrations and "order locking"

Planned functions

  • Receive

  • Put-away

  • Pick

  • Ship

  • Move

  • Count

  • Assembly

  • Production

Key points



Each order can have multiple Order Lines



Workflows defines the Steps.

Workflows are stored directly in the Mobile Configuration Files, but somewhat configurable from the backend using Order Lines GetOrderLines Response

  • ValidateToBin

  • ValidateFromBin

  • RegisterLotNumber

  • RegisterSerialNumber

  • and many more..


You can customize the existing functionality or create your own Planned function.


Document Flow

The document type in (parentheses)

  1. Orders are displayed (GetOrders)

    1. User selects an order

    2. User edits Header fields to search for a desired Order

  2. Lock the order (LockOrder)

  3. Order Lines are displayed.(GetOrderLines)

    1. User selects a line

  4. Line collector steps are displayed Device can go Offline now

    1. User completes the steps

  5. User is returned to the Order Lines Still offline

    1. Repeat Step 3

    2. Go Step 6

  6. User Posts (PostOrder)

  7. The order is released (UnLockOrder)


Mobile Configuration

Page types

Planned functions always uses two pages, called "OrderList" and "OrderLines".




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