Order Lines GetOrderLines Response
Johannes Sebastian Nielsen
Morten Bjørn Larsen
Morten Attermann Holst
Order Lines Lists are always opened from an Order List, and must have a related Order List element. The Order List usually displays the documents (headers) and the Order Lines List its related lines. Quantities are registered from Order Lines Lists, never from Order Lists.
When mobile sends a request for order lines, it can receive the following data per line
Data used for display
- Display lines
- Item, Quantity etc. to process (See illustration)
- Line ordering
- Image
Data that modifies mobile operation
- Enable/disable Workflows steps
- Add custom steps
- Recognize barcodes and the quanity they represent
Both "Register..." and "Validate..." means the same: Should the value be collected by the mobile user.
- ValidateFromBin = True: The Bin-step will be shown
- RegisterLotNumber = False: The Lotnumber-step will be skipped
See also
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?> <response messageid="147db121-f664-4fb7-8d08-019ddf7405b1" status="Completed" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/Dynamics/Mobile/2007/04/Documents/Response"> <description /> <responseData> <registrationCollectorConfiguration> <steps> <add id="1" name="PackingSlip" inputType="Text" header="Packing slip" label="Packing slip" helpLabel="" length="20" eanAi="" /> </steps> </registrationCollectorConfiguration> <BaseOrderLine xmlns="http://schemas.taskletfactory.com/MobileWMS/BaseDataModel"> <OrderBackendID>RE000007</OrderBackendID> <LineNumber>10000</LineNumber> <ItemNumber>TF-003</ItemNumber> <Attachment>0</Attachment> <FromBin /> <ToBin /> <ValidateFromBin>false</ValidateFromBin> <ValidateToBin>false</ValidateToBin> <ItemNumber>1150</ItemNumber> <ItemBarcode>03661103036043;068U0439-03;08008203800764;1010154;12345678901231;2222555;3046920028752</ItemBarcode> <RegisterSerialNumber>false</RegisterSerialNumber> <RegisterLotNumber>false</RegisterLotNumber> <RegisterQuantityByScan>false</RegisterQuantityByScan> <RegisterExpirationDate>false</RegisterExpirationDate> <SerialNumber /> <LotNumber /> <Description>Front Hub</Description> <Quantity>100</Quantity> <RegisteredQuantity>0</RegisteredQuantity> <UnitOfMeasure>PCS</UnitOfMeasure> <Status>0</Status> <Sorting>0</Sorting> <DisplayLine1>1150</DisplayLine1> <DisplayLine2>Front Hub</DisplayLine2> <DisplayLine3>UoM: PCS</DisplayLine3> <DisplayLine4>Shipment: SH000005</DisplayLine4> <DisplayLine5 /> <UnderDeliveryValidation>Warn</UnderDeliveryValidation> <OverDeliveryValidation>Warn</OverDeliveryValidation> <RegisterExpirationDate>false</RegisterExpirationDate> <AllowBinChange>true</AllowBinChange> <ItemImage>22-02-2021 15:23:03.077Item: TF-003</ItemImage> <ReferenceID>Warehouse Activity Line: Pick,PI000003,30000</ReferenceID> <Destination>SH000005</Destination> <Priority>0</Priority> <PriorityValidation>None</PriorityValidation> <!-- Optional --> <RewindToStepOnIncompleteLine>LotNumber</RewindToStepOnIncompleteLine> <BarcodeQuantity>PAPER1BOX{5}[Box];PAPER1PL{240}[Pallet]</BarcodeQuantity> <Workflow> <![CDATA[<registrationCollectorConfiguration tweak="Append"> <steps> <add id="10" name="CustomTextField" inputType="text" header="Enter text" label="Enter custom text here" optional="false" acceptBarcode="true" clearOnClear="true"/> <add id="20" name="CustomDecimalField" inputType="decimal" header="Enter amount" label="Enter custom amount here" eanAi="30,37" optional="true" acceptBarcode="true" clearOnClear="true" /> </steps> </registrationCollectorConfiguration>]]> </Workflow> <!-- End optional --> </BaseOrderLine> </responseData> </response>
XML Element | Description | Datatype |
Basic information | ||
OrderBackendID | Reference to the order no. | String, Mandatory |
LineNumber | Reference to the order line no. | String. Mandatory. Unique. |
Sorting | Sorting of all lines, ranked after lower numbers first | Integer, Mandatory |
Display values | ||
Comment | Text information Defined as nvarchar(max) so can contain a lot of text | String |
Description | Text information The (short) description of the item | String |
Destination | Grouping used for Tote functionality. Collector Step Tote | String |
DisplayLine1 | This value is displayed on line 1. This line is displayed in bold by default | String |
DisplayLine2 | This value is displayed on line 2 | String |
DisplayLine3 | This value is displayed on line 3 | String |
DisplayLine4 | This value is displayed on line 4 | String |
DisplayLine5 | This value is displayed on line 5. This line is disabled by default | String |
UnitOfMeasure | In which unit is there to be registered in. Note: This is a display value only as mobile does not know of item units. See Register Quantity By Scan | String |
Additional values | ||
FromBin | Bin to Take items from | String |
ToBin | Bin to place items into | String |
ItemBarcode | A list of barcodes identifying the item, e.g. Barcode1;Barcode2;Barcode3 Useful if items are packaged inside a box and the item barcodes are not visible unless the box is opened Note:
| Semicolon separated |
ItemNumber | Item number Note: Scanning this, can select an order line for the user. | String |
LotNumber | LotNumber of the Item | String |
SerialNumber | SerialNumber of the item | String |
Quantity | Quantity to register Note: Mobile does not know the item units. See Register Quantity By Scan for another solution to this | Decimal |
Priority | ||
Configuration | ||
RegisterQuantityByScan | True: Quantity is collected by scanning one of the valid item barcodes. Note: Requires "ItemBarcode" or "BarcodeQuantity" is specified. See See Register Quantity By Scan | Boolean |
BarcodeFormat | Special field to specify a RegEx - for barcode validation Example: <BarcodeFormat>{[frombin][^\w{1,10}$]}</BarcodeFormat> Field FromBin the barcode must be validated against the specified RegEx. String (RegEx), control field. Vaild fields to add regex: frombin, lot, serial, tobin, tote It it possible to specify multiple reg.ex for one field Example: {[serial][regex1]}{[serial][regex2]}{[lot][regex3]}{[bin][regex4]} | String |
BarcodeQuantity | See Barcode Quantity (enableMultiplier) for explanation | String, encoded |
RegisterSerialNumber | True: User is prompted for specifying serialnumber(s). | Boolean |
RegisterLotNumber | True: User is prompted for specifying a lotnumber | Boolean |
RegisterExpirationDate | True: User is prompted for specifying an Expiration Date | Boolean |
RegisterExtraInfo | This is a control - to add extra steps to the current line. | String |
AllowBinChange | True: The end-user is allowed to change the bin | Boolean |
RewindToStepOnIncompleteLine | Use this element to have the registration collector return to a named step in the registration collector after performing a registration which is below the Quantity of the order line. | Boolean |
Status | Used to control image/icons | Integer |
OverDeliveryValidation | If user registers a higher value than the suggested "Quantity" value, this setting determines the mobile behavior: None: User is allowed to register a higher value Warn: Warn the user if a higher value is entered. A warning is displayed Block: User is not allowed to register a higher value. A error is displayed See Register unexpected Quantity (overDeliveryValidation / underDeliveryValidation) | Enum "None","Warn","Block" |
UnderDeliveryValidation | If user registers a lower value than the suggested "Quantity" value , this setting determines the mobile behavior: None: User is allowed to register a higher/lower value Warn: Warn the user if a lower value is entered. A warning is displayed Block: User is not allowed to register a lower value. A error is displayed See Register unexpected Quantity (overDeliveryValidation / underDeliveryValidation) | Enum "None","Warn","Block" |
ValidateFromBin | True: User is prompted for specifying bin where items are taken
If both ValidateFromBin and ValidateToBin are both enabled at the same time, the Movement flow is used. | Boolean |
ValidateToBin | True: User is prompted for specifying Bin where items are placed
| Boolean |
PriorityValidation | ||
Step collection | ||
Workflow | Replaces the workflow defined for the planned service in application.cfg, with another workflow.
From version 1.8.0 the workflow configuration from the order line can be merged with the workflow defined in the service section. The key to merging instead of replacing is adding the attribute tweak="Append" to the registration collector configuration. <registrationCollectorConfiguration tweak="Append"> | XML |
registrationCollectorConfiguration | This is an optional section, used to specify extra steps to perform after the "Post" has been choosen | XML |
Context | ||
ActionDefinedQuantity | The quantity already registered. Note: This field always shows the same value as either "RegisteredQuantity" and "PlacedQuantity" | Decimal |
RegisteredQuantity | The quantity already registered Used when taking items | Decimal. |
PlacedQuantity | The quantity already registered Used when placing items | Decimal. |
Only Windows Handheld Embedded | ||
The default behavior of the mobile device when registering serial numbers is to assume a quantity of 1. | Boolean |
- RegisterSerialNumber [boolean]
True: The mobile user must scan the serial numbers of the items to handle. Each scan of increments the registered quantity by one.
False: A quantity can be entered directly. - RegisterLotNumber [boolean]
True: The mobile user must first scan a lot number and then enter a quantity.
False: A quantity can be entered directly.
- RegisterExpirationDate [boolean]
This flag is used in combination with the RegisterLotNumber flag. If the lot is associated with an expiration date then this date can be captured on the mobile device by setting this flag.
The mobile user is allowed to register the expiration date in the short date format of the current regional settings on the mobile device, but the date format on the registration is always:
dd-MM-yyyy (e.g. 24-12-2009)
True: The mobile user must enter the expiration date after entering the lot number (before entering the quantity).
False: The user does not have to enter an expiration date
- RegisterQuantityByScan
- True: The user must scan the item number / barcode to register a quantity. Every scan adds 1 to the total quantity.
This setting is used in scenarios where it is very important that the handled items are correct.
An example of this is when picking medicine that does not use item tracking. Here the user must scan each individual packet / bag to verify that they match the ordered. - False: The user is allowed to enter a quantity.
- True: The user must scan the item number / barcode to register a quantity. Every scan adds 1 to the total quantity.
- SerialNumber [string50]
If the RegisterSerialNumber element is true and this element holds a value, the mobile application will verify that the user handles this particular serial number. - LotNumber [string50]
If the RegisterLotNumber element is true and this element holds a value, the mobile application will verify that the user handles this particular lot number. - Quantity [decimal]
The quantity to handle on the mobile device. - RegisteredQuantity [decimal]
Not used at the moment – always set this value to 0. - UnitOfMeasure [string10]
The unit of measure. - Status [int]
Not used at the moment – always set this value to 0. - Sorting [int]
When the order lines are displayed they are sorted by this column. - DisplayLine1 [string100]
This value is displayed on line 1 on the ”Order Lines” screen. The line is displayed in bold. - DisplayLine2 [string100]
This value is displayed on line 2 on the ”Order Lines” screen. - DisplayLine3 [string100]
This value is displayed on line 3 on the ”Order Lines” screen.
- AllowBinChange [boolean]
This flag determines if the user is allowed to register other bins / locations than specified by the ERP system.
True: The user is allowed to use other bin / locations. When another bin / location is scanned the user will get a warning message, but he can ignore the warning and proceed with the registration.
False: The user is not allowed to use other bins / location. When another bin / location is scanned the user will get a message telling that changing bin / location is not allowed.
Order Lines list