Register Item Image

Register Item Image

 Register Item Image

Available from Version 3.6 of Mobile WMS for Dynamics AX/365FO and Mobile WMS app version for Android

It is possible to take an image of a stock item, and attach it as the primary Item Image used in both Dynamics AX/365FO. 


Flow when capturing an image for an item.

Furthermore this feature enables you to attach item images of each variant of an item.


Flow when item has variants.

The mobile
device sends in the image asynchronously to the Dynamics AX/365FO in a later process. Therefore all images taken from a mobile device are put in a media queue, which is placed at Mobile WMS/Inquiries/Media Queue.

The media queue, where the images are awaiting processing.

In this queue it is possible to see the local id on the mobile device (Its path and filename), which mobile device it is coming from, and where it should be attached, once the mobile device sends in the image.