I can't log in from Mobile Device

I can't log in from Mobile Device


I cannot log in to MobileWMS from a mobile device, an error message is shown.



Troubleshooting connection

Step 1

Step 2

Test the connection to the web service by entering the URL in a browser on the mobile device browser


You should see a login screen

  1. Log in

  2. You see a WSDL like below = Success: Try logging on

  3. You see an Error message = Failure: Go to the "Known Error Messages" section



Common Setup Issues

  1. If mobile devices are using Android OS,ensure that NTLM is enabled on the NAV service tier, see also: NTLM Authentication - Support Knowledge Base - Tasklet Factory Docs

  2. The NAV SOAP Service Tier network Port must be open for the mobile devices to accces (default port 7047 but verify exact number in NAV!) - also, remember that even though a port is not blocked on the NAV server itself, the mobile devices can be connected to a "less secure" WiFi, where almost everything is blocked by default, so ensure free line of communication from mobile device to NAV server. 

  3. Disable any Software firewall on the Server (Note: should only be done for test purposes - after connection has been established, only specific port(s) used by mobile devices should be opened in firewall!)

    1. This includes Windows Firewall.

  4. If you are using a server name in the soap URL (i.e. https://mynavserver:5588) then DNS name resolution from WiFI to NAV server network must be available and working. If not, you can try substituting the server name with the IP address of the server (i.e.

  5. Verify that the user is created in NAV both as a Mobile User and that the user is added to a Mobile Group (see installation guide https://university.taskletfactory.com for help on how to do this.)

  6. The server is setup to use NTLMv2 which is not supported by the standard configuration of Mobile WMS, enable this on the start.cfg as follows:



Known error messages

Find the error message and solution below and make sure you try the troubleshooting steps bellow

See also: Error Messages if you are running Business Central.

The username, password and domain combination is invalid


  • Missing NTLM authentication 

    • Activate NTLM on the NAV Service Tier

  • Incorrect login credentials

    • Type the correct Username/Password 

    • Consider whether Domain should be empty


The user "domain\user" could not be found as a valid mobile user


See Mobile Users (2/10)

  • This user can access the web service. But is a Mobile User.

    1. Insert the user on the Page "Mobile Users"

    2. Include the user in a Mobile Group on the page "Mobile Groups"

"An error occurred while sending the request Error: NameResolutionFailure" / "No such host is known"


Specific for Android 10/11 devices;


  • Private DNS is set to On/Automatic on the device, which conflicts with the network setup on your location.

    • Go to Settings > Network & Internet > Advanced > Private DNS > set to Off 


Unable to connect to the remote server  No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it



Internal Server Error: Details: Service "CompanyName/Codeunit/MobileDocumentService" was not found!


  • Your Business Central user does not have the correct Permission Set assigned


Profile update failed. Error details: Forbidden


  • Make sure that you do not have a Microsoft Azure Application Gateway that blocks the traffic between the device and the endpoint.


Sorry, the current permissions prevented the action. (Codeunit, MOB WS Dispatcher Execute: )


  1. You are missing Permission Sets for the user.
    See User Permissions (3/10)

  2. Check the On-Prem license includes both these modules:

    • 6181280 - Tasklet Factory Mobile Base

    • 6181290 - Tasklet Factory Mobile WMS


“Connection timed out”


The server (URL shown) did not respond.


Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


  • Close and re-open the Mobile WMS -app


  • You have an invalid setup of "Mobile Language" and "Mobile Messages" in NAV/BC

    • See Installation Guide 

      • or

    • Create the Mobile Language: "ENU"

    • Select "Create message"

    • Assign the language to your "Mobile Users" 

  • You are using AAD authentication and have an error in start.cfg - See AAD section 

Getting reference data failed. Server response: Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Runtime.NavXmlCData variable not initialized.


  • You have an invalid setup of "Mobile Groups"

    • See Installation Guide

    • Go to "Mobile Groups" and add your users

An error occurred while sending the request Error: ConnrectFailure (Connection refused)


  • The service tier is not running on the server

    • Start it

    • Go to the Connection Troubleshooting section


This page isn't working HTTP ERROR 401


  • You are connecting to a HTTPS endpoint

  • You are using a device running Android 4.4 

    • Set "allowSelfSignedCertificates" in start.cfg


Error when Deserializing the response

Name cannot begin with the ' ' charactor hexadecimal value 0xA0. Line 1, position 6


  • You are using an older version of Mobile WMS where the object Codeunit 99999 ANSI <-> ASCII converter is faulty.

  • Make the following change



On my hosting platform "User Name" does not match "Windows User Name"


Some providers (i.e. 1ClickFactory) offers to change the "User Name" to match the "Full Name" rather than the "Windows User Name"
Currently Mobile WMS requires that the (NAV) "User Name" and "Windows User Name" fully match (excluding domain).

Have your provider change this.

  • User name should be 

    • Windows User name

    • The full Email-address (Only 1ClickFactory)

  • Use "Full Name" for the actual persons name.


Error: SSL certificate failed "TrustFailure (A call to SSPI failed, see inner exception":  



This means that the SSL certificate might have expired.

  • Check whether it has expired and If it has expired, you will need to generate a valid certificate, apply it, and restart the service tier. 


Azure Active Directory (AAD) authentication

Bad Request

This could be the result of the Redirect URI being incorrectly set to "Web"

Set up Azure Active Directory (AAD) authentication

The reason phrase must not contain new-line characters




The reply URL specified in the request does not match the reply URLs configured for the application
No reply address is registered for the application.

Message: AADSTS50011 or AADSTS500113


This is likely a misconfiguration with Azure Active Directory authentication


The application '...' (Mobile WMS) has not been authorized in the tenant

Message: AADSTS90099



'Chain Validation Failed' When Trying to Login

Getting Error When Trying to Login


Getting the error 'Chain Validation Failed' when trying to login. 


Make sure the date and time on the device is setup correctly. 

Mobile WMS keeps stopping

The Mobile WMS Version is too old and does not support Azure AD.


  • Upgrade Mobile WMS (minimum 1.5.0)


Object reference not set to an instance of an object


  • There is a format problem in Start.cfg

    • The <endpoint> element should encapsulate the <azureConfiguration> element.


No such host is known


  • Validate that the SOAP URL works in browser, follow Step 2.


Internal server error


The username, password and domain combination is invalid

If you are using Device Licenses for the users, this is most likely a matter of missing setup in the Microsoft 365 Admin Center, please see this;
