Use this event to
Add steps to be displayed on the mobile device during the packing registration of License Plates.
This event is triggered after the user has entered step values, so you can add steps based on the entered values.
- You can use OnLookupOnPackagesToShip_OnAddStepsToLicensePlate to add steps before the registration
Collecting new steps must go hand-in-hand with additional customizations to handle such values, using:
- OnPostAdhocRegistrationOnPackagesToShip_OnAfterUpdateLicensePlate
- OnPostAdhocRegistrationOnBulkRegPackageInfo_OnAfterUpdateLicensePlate
Existing steps are handled by OnPostAdhocRegistrationOnPackagesToShip_OnAfterAddStepToLicensePlate.
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB WMS Pack Lookup", 'OnPostAdhocRegistrationOnPackagesToShip_OnAddStepsToLicensePlate', '', false, false)]
local procedure OnPostAdhocRegistrationOnPackagesToShip_OnAddStepsToLicensePlate(var _RequestValues: Record "MOB NS Request Element"; var _Steps: Record "MOB Steps Element");
More examples
Case: Add Posting Date step to Production Consumption and Output — A customer wishes to allow mobile users to specify the posting date when posting Production Consumption and Output from the mobile device.
Case: Interrupt posting and add steps for Shipping Agent Service Code — Ask the user for what Shipping Agent and Service Code during Warehouse pick posting
Case: Scan ExpirationDate in custom format — Scan ExpirationDate as custom format YYYYMM when goods is received from any Vendor.
How-to: Add a TypeAndQuantity step — After pressing 'Post' an extra step of type TypeAndQuantity is added, to gather Package types in Pick.
How-to: Add Line Step — Add Steps to be displayed during a line registration on planned functions
How-to: Interrupt posting and add extra steps — Dynamically add extra steps by interrupting posting to collect steps based on values from previous steps.
How-to: Production Output - Implement a Unit of Measure step — For Items with multiple Unit of Measure codes
Version History
Version | Changes |
MOB5.42 | Introduced |