How-to: Add Header Steps (dynamically return steps on posting)

How-to: Add Header Steps (dynamically return steps on posting)

Minimum Requirements

Extension MOB5.27 and Android App v1.5.9


Dynamically add extra steps by interrupting posting to collect steps based on values from previous steps.

  • Useful for "conditional" steps i.e. when values from previously collected steps determines if a step is to be included
  • Each roundtrip must either:
    • Return more steps
    • Let posting complete
  • Events are executed every time posting starts over and can be used to chain even more steps



Example 1: Three steps with interdependence for Ship

Important: "HasValue()" must be used to check if a step has been registered and ensures a step is never returned more than once

  1. Step1 is always shown
  2. Step2 is only shown if step1 has a value > 5
  3. Step3 is only shown if step2 has a value > 5

    [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB WMS Ship", 'OnPostShipOrder_OnAddStepsToWarehouseShipmentHeader', '', false, false)]
    local procedure "MOB WMS Ship_OnPostShipOrder_OnAddStepsToWarehouseShipmentHeader"(var _OrderValues: Record "MOB Common Element"; _WhseShipmentHeader: Record "Warehouse Shipment Header"; var _StepsElement: Record "MOB Steps Element")
        // Step1 is always shown
        if not _OrderValues.HasValue('Step1') then begin
            _StepsElement.Create_IntegerStep(10, 'Step1');

        // Step2 depends on Step1
        if not _OrderValues.HasValue('Step2') then
            if _OrderValues.GetValueAsDecimal('Step1') > 5 then begin // Step 1 has to be over 5
                _StepsElement.Create_IntegerStep(20, 'Step2');

        // Step3 depends on Step2 (implicit Step 1)
        if not _OrderValues.HasValue('Step3') then
            if _OrderValues.GetValueAsDecimal('Step2') > 5 then begin // Step 2  both has to be over 5
                _StepsElement.Create_IntegerStep(30, 'Step3');

Example 2 & 3: Posting Date for Receive

In both examples:

  • A new (unconditional) step to select Posting Date is added with options: "Today", "Yesterday" or "Other date"
  • If option "Other date" was selected by the user, posting should be interrupted and a new conditional step (date picker) should be be displayed at the mobile device.* 
  • When posting is resumed (started over), the Posting Date is set accordingly at the document being posted. 

Example 2: Add extra steps for a single document source (WarehouseReceiptHeader)

This example describes how to implement extra steps for a single document source for a planned document type (i.e. implement "Warehouse Receipts" for Receive, but not "Purchase Orders", "Transfer Orders" and "Sales Return Orders").
If you are implementing changes for multiple document sources, see "Example 2: Implement extra steps for all document sources (AnyHeader)".
This example is for Warehouse Receipts, but similar events exist for any of the planned document types (Receive, Pick, Put-away, Ship, Move, Count).

Step 1.1 - Add radiobutton step (today, yesterday, other)

This step is always displayed, 

Use OnGetReceiveOrderLines_OnAddStepsToAnyHeader to add a RadioButton step

The step is created for Warehouse Receipts only.

    // OnGetReceiveOrderLines
    // Create a RadioButton step in the default header collector (for warehouse receipts only)
    [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::CodeunitCodeunit::"MOB WMS Receive", 'OnGetReceiveOrderLines_OnAddStepsToAnyHeader''', true, true)]
    local procedure MyOnGetReceiveOrderLines_OnAddStepsToAnyHeader(_RecRef: RecordRefvar _StepsElement: Record "MOB Steps Element")
        if _RecRef.Number() <> Database::"Warehouse Receipt Header" then

        _StepsElement.Set_header('Posting Date');
        _StepsElement.Set_listValues('Today;Yesterday;Other date');

Step 1.2 - Interrupt posting (conditionally) to pick posting date from a calendar

Show an extra step to pick posting date from a calendar - but only if option "Other date" was selected above

    // OnPostReceiveOrder
    // Create a conditional step on posting based on collected value from the 'MyPostingDateRadioButtonStep' created above
    [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::CodeunitCodeunit::"MOB WMS Receive", 'OnPostReceiveOrder_OnAddStepsToWarehouseReceiptHeader''', true, true)]
    local procedure MyOnPostReceiveOrder_OnAddStepsToWarehouseReceiptHeader(var _OrderValues: Record "MOB Common Element"; _WhseReceiptHeader: Record "Warehouse Receipt Header"; var _StepsElement: Record "MOB Steps Element")
        // Break when any option different from 'Other date' was selected in the 'MyPostingDateRadioButtonStep'
        if _OrderValues.GetValue('MyPostingDateRadioButtonStep'<> 'Other date' then

        // Break if new datestep for 'Other date' is already collected to prevent infinite loop
        if _OrderValues.HasValue('MyPostingDate'then

        // Create a new date step for manually selecting Posting Date
        _StepsElement.Set_header('Posting Date');
        _StepsElement.Set_minDate(Today() 10);

Step 1.3 - Set Posting Date

Set Posting Date based on values collected from all steps above (unconditional "RadioButton" and "conditional" date picker)

    // OnPostReceiveOrder
    // Set new posting date including using a value from conditional step 'MyPostingDate'
    [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::CodeunitCodeunit::"MOB WMS Receive", 'OnPostReceiveOrder_OnBeforePostWarehouseReceipt''', true, true)]
    local procedure MyOnPostReceiveOrder_OnBeforePostWarehouseReceipt(var _OrderValues: Record "MOB Common Element"; var _WhseReceiptHeader: Record "Warehouse Receipt Header")
        PostingDate: Date;
        case _OrderValues.GetValue('MyPostingDateRadioButtonStep'of
                PostingDate := Today();
                PostingDate := Today() 1;
            'Other date':
                PostingDate := _OrderValues.GetValueAsDate('MyPostingDate', true);

        if (PostingDate <> 0D) and (PostingDate <> _WhseReceiptHeader."Posting Date"then
            _WhseReceiptHeader.Validate("Posting Date", PostingDate);

Example 3: Add extra steps for all document sources (AnyHeader)

This example describes how to implement extra steps for planned document types with multiple document sources (i.e. implement "Warehouse Receipts" and "Purchase Orders" for Receive).
If you are implementing changes only for a specific specific document source, see "Example 1: Implement extra steps for a single document source (WarehouseReceiptHeader)".

Step 2.1 - Create new RadioButton with options "Today", "Yesterday", "Other date"

Create new "unconditional" RadioButton step using the OnGetReceiveOrderLines_OnAddStepsToAnyHeader-event. The step are created for "Warehouse Receipt" and "Purchase Order" but excluded for "Sales Return Order" or "Transfer Order"

    // OnGetReceiveOrderLines
    // Create a step in the default header collector (displayed for "Warehouse Receipt" and "Purchase Order", but not "Transfer Order" or "Sales Return Order")
    [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::CodeunitCodeunit::"MOB WMS Receive", 'OnGetReceiveOrderLines_OnAddStepsToAnyHeader''', true, true)]
    local procedure MyOnGetReceiveOrderLines_OnAddStepsToAnyHeader(_RecRef: RecordRefvar _StepsElement: Record "MOB Steps Element")
        if (_RecRef.Number() in [Database::"Warehouse Receipt Header", Database::"Purchase Header"]then begin
            _StepsElement.Set_header('Posting Date');
            _StepsElement.Set_listValues('Today;Yesterday;Other date');

Step 2.2 - Interrupt posting (conditionally) to pick posting date from a calendar

Show an extra step to pick posting date from a calendar - but only if option "Other date" was selected above

    // OnPostReceiveOrder
    // Create a conditional step on posting based on collected value from the 'MyPostingDateRadioButtonStep' created above
    [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::CodeunitCodeunit::"MOB WMS Receive", 'OnPostReceiveOrder_OnAddStepsToAnyHeader''', true, true)]
    local procedure MyOnPostReceiveOrder_OnAddStepsToAnyHeader(var _OrderValues: Record "MOB Common Element"; _RecRef: RecordRefvar _StepsElement: Record "MOB Steps Element")
        // Break when any option different from 'Other date' was selected in the 'MyPostingDateRadioButtonStep'
        if _OrderValues.GetValue('MyPostingDateRadioButtonStep'<> 'Other date' then

        // Break if new datestep for 'Other date' is already collected to prevent infinite loop
        if _OrderValues.HasValue('MyPostingDate'then

        // Create a new date step for manually selecting Posting Date
        _StepsElement.Set_header('Posting Date');
        _StepsElement.Set_minDate(Today() 10);

Step 2.3 - Set Posting Date

Set Posting Date based on values collected from all steps above (unconditional "RadioButton" and "conditional" date picker)

    // OnPostReceiveOrder
    // Set new posting date including using a value from conditional step 'MyPostingDate'. Step can exist only for "Warehouse Receipt" or "Purchase Order"
    [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::CodeunitCodeunit::"MOB WMS Receive", 'OnPostReceiveOrder_OnBeforePostAnyOrder''', true, true)]
    local procedure MyOnPostReceiveOrder_OnBeforePostAnyOrder(var _OrderValues: Record "MOB Common Element"; var _RecRef: RecordRef)
        WhseReceiptHeader: Record "Warehouse Receipt Header";
        PurchHeader: Record "Purchase Header";
        PurchRelease: Codeunit "Release Purchase Document";
        PostingDate: Date;
        case _OrderValues.GetValue('MyPostingDateRadioButtonStep'of
                PostingDate := Today();
                PostingDate := Today() 1;
            'Other date':
                PostingDate := _OrderValues.GetValueAsDate('MyPostingDate', true);

        case _RecRef.Number() of
            Database::"Warehouse Receipt Header":
                    if (PostingDate <> 0D) and (PostingDate <> WhseReceiptHeader."Posting Date"then
                        WhseReceiptHeader.Validate("Posting Date", PostingDate);
            Database::"Purchase Header":
                    PurchHeader.SetHideValidationDialog(true);   // same behavior when reprocessing from queue ie. no "change exchange rate" confirmation
                    PurchHeader.Validate("Posting Date", PostingDate);