Pack & Ship Migration Tool - Checklist

Pack & Ship Migration Tool - Checklist

You must answer the questions below to request the Migration tool from Tasklet

A: Do you have any customization created for Pack & Ship?

 How-to verify if you have any dependent customizations

You can easily verify if you have any dependent customizations by trying to uninstall the Pack & Ship extension.

If any dependent extension exists, you will get a warning when trying to uninstall it.

  1. No → Proceed to next question
  2. Yes → Have you successfully updated your customization as instructed ?, see: Step 2
    1. No → You must do it to continue
    2. Yes → Proceed to next question

B: Are you using the ShipIt 365 connector by Tasklet?

  1. No → Proceed to next question
  2. Yes → Have you identified the latest version, compatible with Mobile WMS from Idyn?
    1. No → You must do it to continue
    2. Yes → Proceed to next question

C: Are you using the LogTrade connector by Tasklet?

  1. No → Proceed to next question
  2. Yes → Have you identified the latest version, compatible with Mobile WMS from LogTrade?
    1. No → You must do it to continue
    2. Yes → Proceed to next question

D: Do you have any customization created for ShipIt 365 connector or LogTrade connector?

    1. No → Proceed to next question
    2. Yes → You need to talk with a developer from Tasklet to verify your customization

E: Please confirm that you will test the migration in a copy of the production environment to verify the migration result.

    1. No → Do not start the migration process
    2. Yes → Perfect, you are ready to proceed.

Now please take a look at the detailed How-to: Migration of Pack & Ship and get in touch with the service desk to request a meeting with a developer from Tasklet to complete the migration of a sandbox.

Then you'll prepared to migrate the production tenant and other customer tenants.