How-to: Migration of Pack & Ship

How-to: Migration of Pack & Ship

Pack & Ship moves from being a separate extension to being part of the main Mobile WMS solution.

"ShipIT 365 Connector" and "LogTrade Connector" by Tasklet are discontinued and replaced by new extensions delivered directly from Idyn and LogTrade

Please contact us at our service desk if you have any questions.


  • Minimum Mobile WMS version 5.42
  • Minimum Pack & Ship version 1.15

  • Pack & Ship Migration Tool (Only available on direct request to Tasklet)
    The migration tool requires that you start with a Business Central system that includes the Pack & Ship extension and is fully operational. The migration process leaves your system in the same state as before, but without the Pack & Ship extension. To ensure a smooth transition, it's advisable to migrate Pack & Ship before upgrading Business Central or any other apps if you intend to perform all tasks within the same service window.

Migration Steps

About This Guide

  • You risk losing data. It is very important to follow this guide in detail to ensure data migration
  • Do you have customizations for 'ShipIT 365 Connector by Tasklet" or "LogTrade Connector by Tasklet", then you need another process. Please contact Tasklet Service desk

The following data will be migrated:

  • "Pack & Ship"
  • "ShipIT 365 Connector by Tasklet" or "LogTrade Connector by Tasklet" (If Used)
  • Customizations with table extensions for "Pack & Ship"

Step 1 "Update Mobile WMS"

Update Mobile WMS to version 5.42 or later.

Make sure Pack & Ship version 1.15 or later is installed.

Step 2 "Prepare your customization" (If used)

(This step will require assistance from a Business Central developer)

You need to update your code if you have any customizations dependent on Pack & Ship.

Do NOT deploy the new extension to the Tenant until you reach "Step 6 Update customization"

 How-to verify if you have any dependent customizations

You can easily verify if you have any dependent customizations by trying to uninstall the Pack & Ship extension.

If any dependent extension exists, you will get a warning when trying to uninstall it.

All existing objects from Pack & Ship have been renamed from MOS ObjectName to MOB ObjectName when moved into Mobile WMS.

  1. Replace dependency from Pack & Ship to Mobile WMS in the app.json file in your custom project
  2. Update dependency on Mobile WMS to version
  3. Search and replace 'MOS' with 'MOB' in your customized code to reference the renamed object and events now located in Mobile WMS
    1. Make sure to use these settings when using the replace function in VS Code
      1. 'Match Case'
      2. 'Match whole word'
  4. Verify the result,
  5. Update your version number and re-compile your customization

    Example of the recommended use of the Replace function in VS Code: 

 New Field Names on Standard MOB Tables
Table NameNew Field NameOld Field Name
MOB SetupDimensions UnitMOS Dimensions Unit
MOB SetupWeight UnitMOS Weight Unit
MOB SetupLP Number SeriesMOS LP Number Series
MOB SetupPick Collect Staging HintMOS Pick Collect Staging Hint
MOB SetupPick Collect Packing StationMOS Pick Collect Pack.Station
MOB Printer Label-TemplatePacking Station CodeMOS Packing Station Code
MOB WMS RegistrationsTransferred to License PlateMOS Trans. to License Plate

Step 3 "Request Migration tool"

Contact us at the service desk and get the Pack & Ship Migration tool

  • We will complete this checklist to ensure that you and your environment are ready to migrate
  • You will receive a direct download link to Pack & Ship Migration tool

After downloading, you must Publish and Install the Pack & Ship Migration tool.

Step 4 "Run Pack & Ship Migration Tool Data Backup"

You must do this for each company that is using Mobile WMS.

Open the page 'Mobile WMS Setup' and manually run 'Pack & Ship Migration Tool' 

This will open the Migration Tool window, where you can start the 'Data Backup' function

This will migrate the Pack & Ship data and backup any table extension data from customizations and Connectors.

The migration tool will automatically fill an internal Field mapping table to handle the from-field and to-field mapping.

You can verify the extension data has been backed up by drilling down in the "No. of Field Values" and the "No. of Field Mappings" fields.

More details are available on this page Pack & Ship Migration Tool

Step 5 "Update connector extension" (If Used)

  • This step is only required if you are using one of the two connectors provided by Tasklet: 'ShipIt 365 Connector' or 'Logtrade Connector'
  • Important - this must be done before running step 7 "Pack & Ship Data Restore"

Two new connectors will be available through our partners Idyn and LogTrade, either from AppSource or direct download from their partner websites.

  • ShipIT365 Connector by Idyn (Released October 2, 2023)

  • LogTrade Connector by LogTrade (Released June 19. 2023)

When you have identified the new connector, relevant for your solution you must publish and Install the new version of the Connector.

Now would also be a good time to ensure the main shipping app (ShipIt365 or LogTrade) is fully updated to reduce the risk of testing one version but going into production with a newer version.

Step 6 "Update customization" (If used)

  • This step is only required if you have any customization for Pack & Ship
  • Important - this must be done before running step 7 "Pack & Ship Data Restore"

If you have any customizations on Pack & Ship you must publish and Install the new version you prepared in Step 2

It´s important to use the option 'Schema Sync = Force' when publishing the new extension.

This is because your old customization could contain table extensions based on the old Pack & Ship tables.

They are no longer available and should now be created as table extensions based on the new Pack & Ship tables within Mobile WMS.


Step 7 "Run Pack & Ship Migration Tool Data Restore"

You must do this for each company that is using Mobile WMS. More details available on Pack & Ship Migration tool

Open the page 'Mobile Pack & Ship Migration Tool' as described in Step 4 and run the 'Data Restore' function.

Please verify that your data is migrated as expected.

  • This will restore any table extension data from customizations and Connectors using the setup provided in Migration Tool Field Mapping
  • Pack & Ship as a feature is automatically enabled
  • All active users in Business Central and mobile devices must log out and back in to start using the new features

Step 8 "Uninstall Pack & Ship"

  • Failing to remove the old extensions will disrupt Pack & Ship features on mobile devices

The old separate Pack & Ship extension is no longer required.

Uninstall and unpublish all the dependent extensions in this sequence:

  1. "Mobile WMS - Pack & Ship - Migration Tool"
  2. Old Customization extension (if used)
  3. Old Connector extension (if used)
  4. "Mobile WMS - Pack & Ship"

Step 9 "Done"

The migration process is complete, and the new Pack & Ship feature in Mobile WMS is enabled and ready to use.

Please verify that the "Enable Pack & Ship" field has been enabled in the Mobile WMS Setup Page.