Minimum Requirements
- Extension version MOB5.27
- Android App 1.5.9
Use this event to
Interrupt Item Journal Batch posting and add extra steps (“Header Steps”) based on values already collected.
Interrupt posting and add extra steps (“Header Steps”) based on values already collected.
- Add extra steps during posting (interrupt posting to collect addtional steps)
- Used for "conditional" steps i.e. when values from previously collected steps determines if the step are to be included
- Extra steps can be collected for the "header" only. Extra steps per document line are currently not supported for planned document types
- Posting are restarted (started over) when the additional steps have been collected on the mobile device
- Events are executed every time posting starts over and can be used to chain even more steps.
Steps with no "conditions" are better created using the OnGetCountOrderLines_OnAddStepsToAnyHeader-event.
See also: OnPostCountOrder_OnAddStepsToAnyBatch
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB WMS Count", 'OnPostCountOrder_OnAddStepsToItemJournalBatch', '', true, true)]
local procedure OnPostCountOrder_OnAddStepsToItemJournalBatch(var _OrderValues: Record "MOB Common Element"; _ItemJnlBatch: Record "Item Journal Batch"; var _StepsElement: Record "MOB Steps Element")
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB WMS Count", 'OnPostCountOrder_OnAddStepsToItemJournalBatch', '', true, true)]
local procedure MyOnPostCountOrder_OnAddStepsToItemJournalBatch(var _OrderValues: Record "MOB Common Element"; _ItemJnlBatch: Record "Item Journal Batch"; var _StepsElement: Record "MOB Steps Element")
// Break if some condition to include news step(s) is not met
// if .... then
// exit;
// Break if new datestep is already collected to prevent infinite loop
if _OrderValues.HasValue('MyPostingDate') then
// Create a new date step for manually selecting Posting Date
_StepsElement.Create_DateStep(10000, 'MyPostingDate');
_StepsElement.Set_header('Posting Date');
_StepsElement.Set_minDate(Today() - 10);
More examples
Case: Add Header Step (Shipping Agent Service Code) — Ask the user for what Shipping Agent and Service Code during Warehouse pick posting
How-to: Add Header Steps (dynamically return steps on posting) — Dynamically add extra steps by interrupting posting to collect steps based on values from previous steps.
Version History
Version | Changes |
MOB5.27 | Introduced |