Minimum Requirements
- Extension version MOB5.27
- Android App 1.5.9
Use this event to
Interrupt any Receive Order posting and add extra steps (“Header Steps”) based on values already collected. Parameters includes a RecRef-instance for the header table.
Like other Receive "Any"-events this event is executed for all of four different receive document sources (Warehouse Receipt, Purchase Order, Transfer Order and Sales Return Order).
If you are implementing changes only for a specific document source, you likely should use one of the document-source-specific events (see "This event is executed after...", below).
Steps with no "conditions" are better created using the OnGetReceiveOrderLines_OnAddStepsToAnyHeader-event.
Use this event to interrupt any Receive Order posting and add extra steps (“Header Steps”) based on values already collected.
- Add extra steps during posting (interrupt posting to collect addtional steps)
- Used for "conditional" steps i.e. when values from previously collected steps determines if the step are to be included
- Extra steps can be collected for the "header" only. Extra steps per document line are currently not supported for planned document types
- Posting are restarted (started over) when the additional steps have been collected on the mobile device
- Events are executed every time posting starts over and can be used to chain even more steps.
This event is executed after each of these following events:
- OnPostReceiveOrder_OnAddStepsToWarehouseReceiptHeader
- OnPostReceiveOrder_OnAddStepsToPurchaseHeader
- OnPostReceiveOrder_OnAddStepsToSalesReturnHeader
- OnPostReceiveOrder_OnAddStepsToTransferHeader
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB WMS Receive", 'OnPostReceiveOrder_OnAddStepsToAnyHeader', '', true, true)]
local procedure OnPostReceiveOrder_OnAddStepsToAnyHeader(var _OrderValues: Record "MOB Common Element"; _RecRef: RecordRef; var _StepsElement: Record "MOB Steps Element")
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB WMS Receive", 'OnPostReceiveOrder_OnAddStepsToAnyHeader', '', true, true)]
local procedure MyOnPostReceiveOrder_OnAddStepsToAnyHeader(var _OrderValues: Record "MOB Common Element"; _RecRef: RecordRef; var _StepsElement: Record "MOB Steps Element")
// Break if some condition to include news step(s) is not met
// if .... then
// exit;
// Break if new datestep is already collected to prevent infinite loop
if _OrderValues.HasValue('MyPostingDate') then
// Create a new date step for manually selecting Posting Date
_StepsElement.Create_DateStep(10000, 'MyPostingDate');
_StepsElement.Set_header('Posting Date');
_StepsElement.Set_minDate(Today() - 10);
More examples
Case: Add Header Step (Shipping Agent Service Code) — Ask the user for what Shipping Agent and Service Code during Warehouse pick posting
How-to: Add Header Steps (dynamically return steps on posting) — Dynamically add extra steps by interrupting posting to collect steps based on values from previous steps.
Version History
Version | Changes |
MOB5.27 | Introduced |