MobItemReferenceMgt - OnBeforeGetBarcodeList

MobItemReferenceMgt - OnBeforeGetBarcodeList

System requirements

  • Business Central 17 (or newer)
  • MOB5.24 (or newer)

Use this event to

Override list of barcodes returned for an item in a semi-colon separated format.

Used by Planned Functions


This event is triggered in procedure GetBarcodeList. The procedure returns all barcodes registered for an item in a semi-colon separated list. This list can be interpreted by the mobile device and is sent out in the ItemBarcode element on the order lines.

You can use the event to override the standard functionality by filling the _BarcodeListToReturn variable and setting the parameter _Handled to true.


    // [Template]
    [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::CodeunitCodeunit::"MOB Item Reference Mgt.", 'OnBeforeGetBarcodeList''', true, true)]
    local procedure OnBeforeGetBarcodeList(_ItemNo: Code[20]; _VariantCode: Code[10]; _UoMCode: Code[10]; var _BarcodeListToReturn: Textvar _IsHandled: Boolean)


 Click here for parameters...
  • _ItemNo: Item number.
  • _VariantCode: Variant for the item.
  • _UoMCode: Unit of Measure for the item.
  • _BarcodeListToReturn: Variable to fill in with the expected values separated by a semicolon.
  • _IsHandled: Set to true to override standard functionality.

Example: Add Item GTIN to _BarcodeList
(note: Searching for GTIN is a standard feature since MOB5.24 an no longer needs a customization in newer versions)

    // [Example]: Add Item GTIN to _BarcodeList
    [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::CodeunitCodeunit::"MOB Item Reference Mgt.", 'OnBeforeGetBarcodeList''', true, true)]
    local procedure MyOnBeforeGetBarcodeList(_ItemNo: Code[20]; _VariantCode: Code[10]; _UoMCode: Code[10]; var _BarcodeListToReturn: Textvar _IsHandled: Boolean)
        Item: Record Item;
        // Intentionally do not exit here if _IsHandled but always add GTIN to BarcodeList

        if Item.Get(_ItemNothen
            if _BarcodeListToReturn = '' then
                _BarcodeListToReturn := Item.GTIN
                _BarcodeListToReturn += ';' + Item.GTIN;

        _IsHandled := true;

More examples

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.

Version History

MOB5.53UoMCode parameter added