

This is an option that can be activated on header controls. It enables the control to do an online query.

Step-by-step guide

Overview of how you use it:

  1. Specify "searchType"  on the control - you want it on.
  2. In "GetReferenceData" add a header for the search page. It must be named searchType value plus "HeaderConf".
    Example: if searchType is "ItemSearch" the header must be "ItemSearchHeaderConf".
  3. The documenttype "Search" must be enabled and the case for "searchType" must be implemented.
    (If it is the first online search - verify the user has access rights to documenttype "Search")

Service controlling the online search

This section in the app.config file - controls the documenttype to called in AX/NAV.
The "ISearchService" service is by default enabled and set to documenttype "Search" (line 10).

The "CommonCofigurationService" service is used to display the results of the search.
Remember this must be changed, if the device screen dimensions is changed.

app.config - ISearchService
	  <!-- Service for search inquiries -->
	  <add type="TaskletFactory.WMS.Services.ISearchService, TaskletFactory.WMS.Services.Interfaces"
	       factory="TaskletFactory.WMS.Services.Configuration.SearchServiceFactory, TaskletFactory.WMS.Services.Search"
        <configuration xmlns="http://schemas.taskletfactory.com/MDMF/MobileWMS/Services/2010/10/SearchServiceConfiguration.xsd">
      <!-- Service containing common configuration -->
      <add type="TaskletFactory.WMS.Services.CommonConfigurationService, TaskletFactory.WMS.Services.CommonConfiguration"
           factory="TaskletFactory.WMS.Services.Configuration.CommonConfigurationServiceFactory, TaskletFactory.WMS.Services.CommonConfiguration"
        <configuration xmlns="...">
              <behaviourAfterPost enabled="true" value="STAY" /> <!-- STAY, ASK -->
              <scanToSelectBehaviour behaviour="USER" searchTerm="ALL" /> <!-- behaviour: {AUTO,USER} searchTerm: {ITEM,ALL}-->
          <searchResultListConfiguration xmlns="...">
              <add id="header"  name="Verdana" size="9" fontStyle="Bold"></add>
              <add id="normal"  name="Verdana" size="8" fontStyle="Regular"></add>
                <add id="1"  type="textElement" text="{0}" x="2" y="1" width="400" height="16" font="header">
                    <add id="DisplayLine1" />
                <add id="2" type="textElement" text="{0}" x="2" y="17" width="400" height="16" font="normal">
                    <add id="DisplayLine2" />
                <add id="3" type="textElement" text="{0}" x="2" y="33" width="400" height="20" font="normal">
                    <add id="DisplayLine3" />
This is an online feature - since the backed is queried.

For info on how to implement usage of the searchType header attribute in an Dynamics AX or Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations environment go to Example: How to add search in Mobile WMS for Dynamics 365FO and Dynamics AX