Use this event to
Validate and save collected values to "MOB WMS Registration"-table (any planned function).
Mobile registrations form a planned function are stored in the "MOB WMS Registration"-table.
This event is triggered for each and every value received in the Mobile "Post request".
You can use this event to:
- Handle custom formats for existing fields
- avoiding validation errors
- Validate format for new custom steps
- throw meaningful error message, rather than error messages received from standard posting functions
- Transfer new custom steps to custom fields
- by using this event to save values you may (in some cases) be able to avoid doing any further customizations to posting routines
- by using this event to save values you may (in some cases) be able to avoid doing any further customizations to posting routines
Saving custom values in MOB WMS Registration -to save data to posting routines is not required since version 5.10
You can read custom values from directly via .GetValue(...)
-Event Subscriber where you've got access to the MOB WMS Registration-table.
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB WMS Toolbox", 'OnSaveRegistrationValue', '', true, true)]
procedure OnSaveRegistrationValue(_Path: Text; _Value: Text; var _MobileWMSRegistration: Record "MOB WMS Registration"; var _IsHandled: Boolean)
Case: Add Line Step (ExpirationDate) — Collect ExpirationDate in a custom text step.
Version History
Version | Changes |
MOB5.11 | Introduced |