How-to: Display a Confirm dialog (ForceWarning)
Johannes Sebastian Nielsen
Morten Bjørn Larsen
Dennis Vibæk
Michael Voigt
You want to prompt the user to Confirm a message.
Example 1: Planned function posting
Using this event OnPostReceiveOrder_OnBeforePostAnyOrder
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB WMS Receive", 'OnPostReceiveOrder_OnBeforePostAnyOrder', '', true, true)]
local procedure OnPostReceiveOrder_OnBeforePostAnyOrder(var _OrderValues: Record "MOB Common Element"; var _RecRef: RecordRef);
MobToolbox: Codeunit "MOB Toolbox";
MobToolbox.ErrorIfNotConfirm('You are stopped for some condition... Do you want to continue?', _OrderValues);
Example 2: LockOrder (Planned function, when an Order is selected)
Using this event OnLockOrder_OnBeforeLockOrder
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB WMS Order Locking", 'OnLockOrder_OnBeforeLockOrder', '', true, true)]
local procedure ShowConfirmBox_OnBeforeLockOrder(_MobDocumentQueue: Record "MOB Document Queue"; var _RequestValues: Record "MOB NS Request Element"; var _IsHandled: Boolean)
MobToolbox: Codeunit "MOB Toolbox";
if _RequestValues.GetValue('Type') = 'Pick' then
MobToolbox.ErrorIfNotConfirm(_RequestValues, 'You are stopped for some condition... Do you want to continue?');
Example 3: Unplanned Move
Using this event OnPostAdhocRegistrationOnUnplannedMove_OnAfterCreateWhseJnlLine
Find other functions here PostAdhocRegistration - Integration Events by Registration Type
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB WMS Adhoc Registr.", 'OnPostAdhocRegistrationOnUnplannedMove_OnAfterCreateWhseJnlLine', '', true, true)]
local procedure OnPostAdhocRegistrationOnUnplannedMove_OnAfterCreateWhseJnlLine(var _RequestValues: Record "MOB NS Request Element"; var _WhseJnlLine: Record "Warehouse Journal Line")
MobToolbox: Codeunit "MOB Toolbox";
MobToolbox.ErrorIfNotConfirm(_RequestValues, 'You are stopped for some condition... Do you want to continue?');
Example 4: Custom Unplanned function
Using this event OnPostAdhocRegistrationOnCustomRegistrationType
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB WMS Adhoc Registr.", 'OnPostAdhocRegistrationOnCustomRegistrationType', '', true, true)]
local procedure My01OnPostAdhocRegistrationOnCustomRegistrationType(_RegistrationType: Text; var _RequestValues: Record "MOB NS Request Element"; var _SuccessMessage: Text; var _RegistrationTypeTracking: Text; var _IsHandled: Boolean)
MobToolbox: Codeunit "MOB Toolbox";
if _RegistrationType <> 'MyNewUnplannedName' then
if _IsHandled then
MobToolbox.ErrorIfNotConfirm(_RequestValues, 'You are stopped for some condition... Do you want to continue?');
_SuccessMessage := 'My custom success message';
_RegistrationTypeTracking := 'My custom description for the document queue (column RegistationType)';
_IsHandled := true;
Using HTML formatting:
(Minimum Mobile App version 1.5.9)
You can use simple html formatting of the text to display in the confirmation dialog.
HtmlTxtToDispaly :=
'<html>' +
'<b><font color="blue">' + 'My Text 1 in Bold and Blue' +
'</font></b>' + '<br><i>' + 'My Text 2 on new line in Italic' +
'</i><p>' + 'My Text 3 after paragraph' + '<p><b><font color="red">' +
'My Text 4 in Bold and Red' + '</font></b>' +
'<br><i>' + 'My Text 5 on new line in Italic' +
'</i><p>' + 'My Text 6 after paragraph' +
Confirm dialogs will cause an Error entry in the Windows Application Event Log.
If this is an issue for you, consider if your code can be restructured to display the information at existing elements, rather than requiring a confirmation.
How it works behind the scenes
The key ”ForceWarning:” is prefixed to a regular ERROR() command.
Error('ForceWarning:%1', MyConfirmMessage);
- This way front-end App knows to a display a Confirm dialog
- Choosing "Cancel" will return the user to the previous screen
- Choosing "Confirm" will automatically repeat the request with a “Force” tag included
- The Force tag tells the backend that the Process can now be completed and NOT halted by the ERROR command.
See also
Example using HTML formatting: