How-to: Modify DisplayLines

How-to: Modify DisplayLines


Additional text displayed on a List.

On Planned Functions, DisplayLines are used on both the Order-list and the OrderLines-list.

See also: How-to: Modify HeaderLabel and HeaderValue


The default Order list has four DisplayLines available.

OrderLines list

The default OrderLines-list has four available lines.

Automatic line wrap

Text or words longer than the display area, are automatically wrapped to the next line.

Adding Line-breaks

For line breaks, use Char = 10 and 13, also known as carriage return (CR) line feed (LF).

Use MobToolbox.CRLFSeparator().

Other options for displaying information


Additional text on Order Level as DisplayLine4.

Event Subscriber

Subscribe to an "OnAfterSetFrom"-event and use the Set_DisplayLine1-4 modify the displaylines.

Tip: Besides setting, you can also "get" displaylines.
Use Get_DisplayLine1-4 to read the existing content.
This way, you and postfix any information you want to the existing text.

    [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::CodeunitCodeunit::"MOB WMS Pick", 'OnGetPickOrderLines_OnAfterSetFromWarehouseActivityLine''', true, true)]
    local procedure OnGetPickOrderLines_OnAfterSetFromWarehouseActivityLine(_WhseActLineTake: Record "Warehouse Activity Line"; var _BaseOrderLineElement: Record "MOB Ns BaseDataModel Element")
        _BaseOrderLineElement.Set_DisplayLine4('Lorem ipsum....');

Available Order Line events:

Available Order events: