Register with Encoded Barcode (GS1)

Register with Encoded Barcode (GS1)


Extract values from encoded into different stepsEncoded barcodes are supported out-of-the-box and provide great benefits in speeding up and simplifying registrations

Encoded barcode suppport

GS1 is the recommended barcode

We highly recommend using the common GS1-128 (DataMatrix), as it can hold a number of different informations.

  • can contain Lot number, Serial number, Expiration Date etc.

Example of GS1-128 barcode

GS1-128 holds different kinds of information by assigning Application Identifiers (AI's).  

The example contains four values.

  • Item no. (AI 01)
  • Expiration Date. (AI 17)
  • Lot no. (AI 10)
  • Quantity (AI 30)

Default AI support

Mobile WMS will accepts these AI's as standard.

EntityApplication IdentifiersBusiness Central Event
Item01, 02 and 91OnAfterGetItemNoGS1Ai
Expiration Date12, 15 and 17OnAfterGetExpirationDateGS1Ai
Quantity30, 37 and 310OnAfterGetQuantityGS1Ai
Package No.92OnAfterGetPackageNoGS1
License Plate00, 98OnAfterGetLicensePlateNoGS1Ai
BinBin should use a basic non-gs1 barcode.OnAfterGetBinGS1Ai

Tote (Legacy)Tote was 98. License Plate now uses 98.
Bin (Legagy)Bin was 00. License Plate now uses 00.

How values from encoded barcodes are automatically transferred to input fields

Verify a barcode

Use the built-in function Scan Info to inspect a barcode.

Handling non-standard barcodes

Mobile WMS can to some extent, be configured to read a custom barcode format, by converting it into GS1.

Online Barcode generator

This free tool can help you easily create GS1 barcodes