Add a Collector Step (Line Level) (Information on Picking)

Another example 

This is an additional example of how to add a collector step to a Planned process like Picking.

This example is an Infomation step on picking.


Standard workflow collector steps

  1. From Bin
  2. To Bin
  3. Expiration Date
  4. Lot No.
  5. Tote ID
  6. Serial No.
  7. Quantity

How to enable

Step 1 - Add/Define the collector step in Reference Data

When a device log in, Reference Data is sent to the device. We need to include the definition of our collector to the Reference data.

We will name our collector step "DemoOrderLineExtraInfo".

Add the following two code blocks:

Block 1: Codeunit 6181381 TF Mobile WMS Reference Data



Block 2: Codeunit 6181381 TF Mobile WMS Reference Data
      Name := 'Demo';
      Header := 'Information';
      Label := 'Text in bold';
      NewLine := '\r\n';
      Lines[1] := 'Line01'+NewLine;
      Lines[2] := 'Line02'+NewLine;
      Lines[3] := 'Line03'+NewLine;
      Lines[4] := 'Line04'+NewLine;
      Lines[5] := 'Line05'+NewLine;
      Lines[6] := 'Line06'+NewLine;
      Lines[7] := 'Line07'+NewLine;
      Lines[8] := 'Line08'+NewLine;
      Lines[9] := 'Line09'+NewLine;
      Lines[10] := 'Line10'+NewLine;
      Helplabel := Lines[1]+Lines[2]+Lines[3]+Lines[4]+Lines[5]+Lines[6]+Lines[7]+Lines[8]+Lines[9]+Lines[10];

      TextLength := 99999;



Step 2 - Include the step in the Pick functionality

The function CreateWhseActivityLinesResponse is responsible for the reply to the device, including which values to collect.

We will add the following code block have it include our DemoOrderLineExtraInfo.
Add you own conditions to when the step should be included, in example, certain items.


Codeunit 6181388 MOB WMS Toolbox
IF WhseActHeader.Type IN [WhseActHeader.Type::Pick,WhseActHeader.Type::"Invt. Pick"] THEN

Note the condition for only Pick related activities.

The result should look like this.