Register Quantity By Scan

You want to scan (not type) the Quantity and have the system calculate what quantity the barcode represents in base unit of measure. (NAV)

See Register Quantity By Scan


Add the following snippet :

  // Enable "barcodeQuantity"
  MobXMLMgt.AddElement(XMLOrderLine,'BarcodeQuantity',MobWMSToolbox.CheckCrossRefItemQty(WhseReceiptLine."Item No.",
                                                                          WhseReceiptLine."Variant Code"),

In Codeunit "MOB WMS Receive"

  • Add the snippet here

Warehouse Pick, Put-away, Move (Advanced Warehouse)

In Codeunit "MOB WMS Toolbox"

  1. Activate RegisterQuantityByScan on the AddElement -line
  2. Enable the code shown.


Inventory Pick (Basic Warehouse)

For Pick on Sales Orders, the same change is done in Codeunit "MOB WMS Pick".