Location Filtering

Location Filtering

Example on How to Use Location Filtering

Available in Mobile WMS for Dynamics AX/365FO version 3.11 or newer

How to use location filtering on a planned order line?

Situation - you have a mix of items that requires the same location

You can optimize your registrations by using the location filtering. When you have e.g. 20 lines and 10 of them have the same location, you  simply scan the location to filter the list. After the location scan you list only shows the lines that uses that location. 

The extra feat happens when you want to register. Your location step is already prefilled and you skip that step, saving you from registering the same location multiple times.  

How it looks when using the location filtering

Notice on the last image, that the workflow is jumping to the next step. The first step, the location step, is prefilled with the filter value and is skipped.