Step Over a Workflow Step
If you have a step in the workfow that you would like to be able to easily continue to next step, you might consider to change the value in that particular step.
E.g. in report as finished your workflow ask about error quantity. You might assess that this step is seldom used but you still want to keep it, in case you need to register it.
In Mobile WMS you can make a display override, to adjust the informations presented on the mobile device.
Let's first check the current workflow. The value is blank and you have to enter 0 if you have no errors. This requires a few more clicks before you can continue. You can simplify this by changing the data we send out to the mobile device.
Let's have a look at the data we send out. From the document queue we look for the answer to the lookup "ReportAsFinished".
On the image above is marked by a red square is the error step in the workflow. Highlighted in yellow is name="ErrorQuantity" which is what we need to know when we want to set the value for this workflow step.
We navigate to Pages found in Mobile WMS/Setup/Pages and find the ReportAsFinished page and click data sources.
In the fields selection we click new to create a display override.
Notice the value node, here we enter the name of the workflow step. In this example we enter "ErrorQuantity" and remember it is case sensitive.
Back on the mobile device you simply update the lookup to get the change.
Now looking at the document queue we see the answer has now added an extra value node to the XML, marked in red square.
On the mobile device we now see the workflow step for error quantity is defaulted with the value "0".
Now it is easy to step over the error quantity step.