- The first step is to unlock the device with I want to unlock a device device
- Open a browser and input the Dropbox download link provided by Tasklet.
It's recommended to follow this guide to copy-paste the link using MobiControl: How How to copy and paste using RemoteControl - Please wait for the download to finish for Datalogic; it's a 1 GB+ file, so a decent connection is required.
- Once the download is complete, open the Datalogic app group, and open Datalogic Settings.
- Here you should see a list of settings, one of which is called Local System Update; select the update which is found on the device after download.
- The upgrade starts, and once it reaches 100%is finished, you get prompted to reboot the device; you get that message that you can work while it updates, but we don't recommend it.
- Once the device starts up again, the device has been updated, and the device should present you with the lockdown screen.
- You can validate the version in MobiControl by checking the OEM version, which should now show the updated version.