Relay order line property to registration

Relay order line property to registration

From version 1.3.0 of Mobile WMS for Android, it is possible to add extra properties to an order or order line, and use them in the mobile application. This can be used for adding state to an order line, which can help when the registrations are processed on the backend.

Start by adding a new element on the order line.

MobXMLMgt.AddElement(XMLOrderLine,'ReferenceId','Some random value',BaseDataModelNS,XMLCreatedNode);

That should make the order lines response look something like this.

<BaseOrderLine xmlns="http://schemas.taskletfactory.com/MobileWMS/BaseDataModel">
  <ReferenceId>Some reference value</ReferenceId>

Create a new step and reference the newly created element in the workflow in application.cfg. To grab the value from the order line, reference the order line element in curly brackets. In this case {ReferenceId}. The name of the step defines the element name added to the registration when posting. In this case ReferenceStep.

<workflow id="standard" itemNumberAI="01,02">
  <configuration scanBehaviourWhenRegisteringQuantity="ScanNextItem">
      <add id="25" name="ReferenceStep" inputType="Text" header="Hidden step with a reference" label="" defaultValue="{ReferenceId}" helpLabel="" optional="false" primaryInputMethod="Scan" visible="false"/>

If everything was setup correctly, every registration, which uses the workflow, and has the element added to the order line, will add the newly create element to the registration as below. Custom properties are always wrapped in the ExtraInfo element.

<Order xmlns="http://schemas.taskletfactory.com/MobileWMS/RegistrationData" DeliveryNote="563" backendID="RE000044">
  <Line lineNumber="10000">
    <Registration xmlns="" created="2019-01-21T12:22:29+01:00">
        <ReferenceStep>Some reference value</ReferenceStep>

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