Tasklet Mobile WMS is available as two offers in App Source.
The full / normal version is a “Get it now” offer, that is directed at Tasklet Partners installing Mobile WMS on a supported device managed by Tasklet using SOTI MobiControl.
The Free Trial is a “Free Trial” offer, that is directed at end-customers so they can install, connect and try Mobile WMS without necessarily involving a Tasklet Partner. Any supported device can install Mobile WMS from the Google Play Store and connect to Mobile WMS in an Online Business Central Sandbox.
Customers installing the “Get it now” offer are expected to have a Tasklet Partner involved, and we don’t contact these customers as their partner is expected to handle a great onboarding experience.
Customers installing the “Free Trial” will be contacted by Tasklet to insure they get the information needed, as a Tasklet Partner might not be involved (yet).
But what is the difference of the apps?
Well, nothing… The apps in BC are 100% identical. The code can’t even distinguish between which offer was used to install the Mobile WMS app.
However, the Android app installed on the device are different, dependent on where it is installed from.
Managed / SOTI app: This app requires a customer license provided by Tasklet.
Unmanaged / Google Play Store app: This app doesn’t require a customer license, but each release to Google Play Store has an inbuilt license with an expiration date. You therefore might get an error saying the license is invalid, but this can be solved by updating the app from Google Play Store.
The Mobile WMS backend in Business Central can see if requests are from a managed or unmanaged device and ensures unmanaged devices can’t be used in Production and can only be used with an online BC sandbox.
Can I customize the Free Trial?
It is not supported, but …
For managed devices, a configuration file (the Application.app file) is located on the device. This file is often modified as part of a customization.
For unmanaged devices, the configuration file is sent from the backend in BC to the device during login, and can’t be modified as part of customizations.
However; customizations made using the Mobile WMS API in a dependent extension are possible. This means some customizations are possible, and even some dependent apps can can be tested with the Free Trial. Tasklet does not provide support for customizing the Free Trial unless a Tasklet Partner is involved.
What is the Sandbox Configuration Guide?
The guide pops up after installing Mobile WMS for the first time in an Online BC Sandbox if you don’t close the progress window.
It will also be shown as a notification in the top-bar and can be found by searching for “sandbox configuration guide” or simply “conf guide”.
The guide provides a quick configuration of Business Central to enable Mobile WMS to login. This requires a Mobile User to be created and the user should be created as a Warehouse Employee and several other requirements.
It also creates an App Registration, which is required for the devices to login to BC. The App Registration can either be created automatically (recommended) or manually be following this other guide.
Finally it prints a Connection Guide with three barcodes:
A barcode with the URL to download Mobile WMS from Google Play Store
A barcode containing end-point information for the Android app to connect to BC
A barcode with the user-id of the configured user, to ease the login on the device. Then the user only needs to type the password (and multifactor authorization, if required).
Having the Connection Guide in paper or on screen makes it very easy to connect and login to any Online BC Sandbox with Mobile WMS.
How can partners use the Free Trial and/or Sandbox Configuration Guide?
Tasklet partners will always have one or more device managed by SOTI with both a Start.cfg file (with end-points) and an Application.cfg (with a configuration). These devices should not install Mobile WMS from Google Play Store, as the two apps cannot be installed at the same time.
You can scan an end-point barcode from the Connection Guide in the app on a managed device, and this will add the scanned end-point to the list of end-points at the very bottom of the list of end-points. This makes it easy to connect to a customer sandbox for test or demonstration purposes. However, be aware that the app doesn’t automatically switch to the scanned end-point - you will need to pick it from the bottom of the list. Secondly, you should be aware that the Application.cfg file will not be provided from the backend when using a managed device - no matter which type of end-point you use. It will therefore use the Application.cfg file found on the device, so make sure it doesn’t include unwanted customizations.
Can the Configuration Guide be used for Production environments?
No! But…
The guide is creating Mobile Users and Warehouse Employees “quick and dirty” without showing the details to the user. Setting up a Production environment requires you to know every single change made to the configuration of BC to ensure the customer and partner are in control and feel confident with their solution. In the future we might provide a similar guide for setting up Production environments, but it will be more elaborate than the current Sandbox configuration guide.
The Sandbox configuration guide can create an App Registration automatically. This App Registration can be re-used for the production environment, as long as the Production environment is in the same directory as the Sandbox. (Which is assumed to be the normal scenario)
Can I use the Free Trial or Configuration Guide in an OnPrem environment?