How-to: Create custom Unplanned function in Main Menu
Johannes Sebastian Nielsen
Morten Bjørn Larsen
Peter Damgaard Jørgensen
Michael Voigt
The most common control for customization
Add a new function to the Main menu. "Header fields" and optional "Steps" to collect
This example gives you
- An new Unplanned function in the Main Menu
- Three Header fields:
- Date
- Text
- Decimal
- Three Steps
The unplanned workflow
Make sure the Unplanned Workflow fits your requirement.
Step 1: Defining a new Unplanned function
This part requires you to edit the Mobile Configuration Files
Add this section in the <pages> tag.
<!-- Custom --> <page id="MyUnplanned" type="UnplannedItemRegistration" icon="mainmenusettings"> <title defaultValue="Titletext"/> <unplannedItemRegistrationConfiguration type="MyUnplanned" useRegistrationCollector="false"> <header configurationKey="MyHeader" automaticAcceptOnOpen="true"/> </unplannedItemRegistrationConfiguration> </page> <!-- Custom -->
Add this section to the <menuItems> tag.
<!-- Custom --> <menuItem id="MyUnplanned" displayName="MyUnplanned" icon="mainmenusettings" alwaysEnabled="true"/> <!-- Custom -->
Do you want this to be accesible from an existing page in the Action Menus.
Then add this section to the <actions> tag.
<...> <actions> <!-- Custom --> <open icon="mainmenusettings" id="MyUnplanned" title="My Unplanned"> <returnTransfer property="UnplannedItemRegistrationCompleted" to="RefreshOnResume"/> </open> <!-- Custom -->
Step 2: Define Header and header fields
Unplanned functions uses Header to determine which Steps to collect.
In this step you must define which header fields you want the user to see.
Subscribe to this event
// Step 2: Define Header and headerFields
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB WMS Reference Data", 'OnGetReferenceData_OnAddHeaderConfigurations', '', true, true)]
local procedure MyGetReferenceData_OnAddHeaderConfigurations(var _HeaderFields: Record "MOB HeaderField Element")
_HeaderFields.InitConfigurationKey('MyHeader'); // Identifier for new Header - replace by your own name
// Add Header fields here
_HeaderFields.Create_DateField(10, 'MyDate', 'Select date');
_HeaderFields.Create_TextField(20, 'MyText', 'Enter text');
_HeaderFields.Create_DecimalField(30, 'MyDecimal', 'Enter decimal');
You must log out and in again: Headers are static data in Reference Data, meaning it is only sent to mobile during a login.
Step 3: Return Steps to collect (Optional)
When the header is accepted a new request is made for which Steps to collect, called "GetRegistrationConfiguration".
In this step you must read the values header fields and define the subsequent steps.
If you want to collect steps you must set useRegistrationCollector="true" in Mobile Configuration Files.
<page> <unplannedItemRegistrationConfiguration type="MyUnplanned" useRegistrationCollector="true"> <..>
You can use the already collected header fields values for:
- defining the steps still needed to be collected
- setting useful default-values on the steps
Subscribe to this event
// Step 3: Define Steps (optional)
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB WMS Adhoc Registr.", 'OnGetRegistrationConfiguration_OnAddSteps', '', true, true)]
local procedure MyOnGetRegistrationConfiguration_OnAddSteps(_RegistrationType: Text; var _HeaderFieldValues: Record "MOB NS Request Element"; var _Steps: Record "MOB Steps Element"; var _RegistrationTypeTracking: Text)
MyDate: Date;
MyText: Text;
MyDecimal: Decimal;
// Handle only your own Header name
if _RegistrationType <> 'MyUnplanned' then
// Read the headerFields
MyDate := _HeaderFieldValues.GetValueAsDate('MyDate');
MyText := _HeaderFieldValues.GetValue('MyText');
MyDecimal := _HeaderFieldValues.GetValueAsDecimal('MyDecimal');
// Add steps
// For illustration, re-use the headerField value as default values on the steps
_Steps.Create_DateStep(10, 'MyDateStep');
_Steps.Create_TextStep(20, 'MyTextStep');
_Steps.Create_DecimalStep(30, 'MyDecimalStep');
Step 4: Handle posting
When the Header has been accepted and Steps collected, a final request is made to "Post" the information ("PostAdhocRegistration")
In this step you must read the collected values and post them to the database.
Run your function fra Mobile and you can inspect the Post Request directly. See View Request and Response XML and Error Call Stack
If you fail to perform Step 3, you will this error:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <request name="PostAdhocRegistration" created="2020-02-14T15:24:24+01:00" xmlns=""> <requestData name="PostAdhocRegistration"> <MyDate>14-02-2020</MyDate> <MyText>2</MyText> <MyDecimal>4</MyDecimal> <MyDateStep>14-02-2020</MyDateStep> <MyTextStep>2</MyTextStep> <MyDecimalStep>4</MyDecimalStep> <RegistrationType>MyUnplanned</RegistrationType> </requestData> </request>
Subscribe to OnPostAdhocRegistrationOnCustomRegistrationType
- Both Header values and Steps values are available.
- The values are extracted from the _RequestValues parameter using "GetValue "functions.
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB WMS Adhoc Registr.", 'OnPostAdhocRegistrationOnCustomRegistrationType', '', true, true)]
local procedure MyOnPostAdhocRegistrationOnCustomRegistrationType(_RegistrationType: Text; var _RequestValues: Record "MOB NS Request Element"; var _CurrentRegistrations: Record "MOB WMS Registration"; var _SuccessMessage: Text; var _RegistrationTypeTracking: Text; var _IsHandled: Boolean)
MyDate: Date;
MyText: Text;
MyDecimal: Decimal;
if _RegistrationType <> 'MyUnplanned' then
if _IsHandled then
// Read _RequestValues
MyDate := _RequestValues.GetValueAsDate('MyDateStep');
MyText := _RequestValues.GetValue('MyTextStep');
MyDecimal := _RequestValues.GetValueAsDecimal('MyDecimalStep');
_SuccessMessage := StrSubstNo('Success %1 %2 %3', MyDate, MyText, MyDecimal);
_RegistrationTypeTracking := 'Tracking info for the Document queue.';
_IsHandled := true;
For illustration, the steps-values are used in the success-message
Step 5: Set tracking info (optional)
The parameter _RegistrationTypeTracking can be used to make the Document Queue display additional information about your process.
Common error messages
"No document handler is available for GetRegistrationConfiguration::XYZ"
Error occurs when Accepting the header.
No steps are returned.
See Step 3.
"No document handler is available for GetRegistrationConfiguration:XXX/XmlSteps"
No steps are returned.
See Step 3.
"No document handler is available for PostAdhocRegistrationConfiguration::XYZ"
Error occurs when posting.
Posting is not handled.
See step 4
More examples
Page:Case: Add custom step 'To-Location' to Unplanned Move — Add custom step for To-Location when posting Unplanned Move from/to locations without "Directed Putaway-and-pick"
Page:Case: Default total RunTime based on produced quantity in Production Output — A customer wants the RunTime step for Production Output to be populated with a default value.
Page:How-to: Add action to Order Line menu — Add a new Unplanned Function as action on Pick Lines.
Page:How-to: Add ImageCapture Step for Adjust Quantity — Adds an extra ImageCapture Step to the Adjust Quantity functionality.
Page:How-to: Create custom Unplanned function in Main Menu — The most common control for customization
Add a new function to the Main menu. "Header fields" and optional "Steps" to collect
Icon in Main menu
"MyUnplanned" is shown on the main main.
Unplanned function Header
Header fields
Unplanned function Steps
First step
Second step.
3rd and final step.
Posting completed.
Message is displayed.