How-to: Add action to Order Line menu
Johannes Sebastian Nielsen
Add a new Unplanned Function as action on Pick Lines.
Use case
This example shows transfers values from an Order Line to a new unplanned function.
This example results in
- One new Unplanned Functions
- One action on "Pick Lines" to this function
- Three Header-fields
- That transfers Location, Bin and Item from the Order line
- A step to collect a decimal value from the user
Using the transferred values when adding the step
We use the transferred values when adding the decimal step:
- The registered (not yet posted) quantity is compared to the full line quantity
- The result is suggested as Default Value in the step
Step 1: Defining a new Unplanned function
This part requires you to edit the Mobile Configuration Files
Add this section in the <pages> tag.
<!-- Custom --> <page id="UnableToPick" type="UnplannedItemRegistration" icon="mainmenunegativeadjustment"> <title defaultValue="Unable To Pick"/> <unplannedItemRegistrationConfiguration type="UnableToPick"> <header configurationKey="UnableToPick" automaticAcceptOnOpen="true"/> </unplannedItemRegistrationConfiguration> </page> <!-- Custom -->
We want to add this to the existing Pick Lines page in the Action Menus Then add this section to the <actions> tag of Pick Lines page:
<page id=Picklines...> <...> <actions> <!-- Custom --> <open id="UnableToPick" icon="mainmenunegativeadjustment" title="Unable To Pick"/> <!-- Custom -->
Step 2: Define Header and header fields
Unplanned functions uses Header-fieldsto determine which Steps to collect.
In this step you must define which header fields you want the user to see.
Subscribe to this event
OnGetReferenceData_OnAddHeaderConfigurations[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB WMS Reference Data", 'OnGetReferenceData_OnAddHeaderConfigurations', '', true, true)]
local procedure MynGetReferenceData_OnAddHeaderConfigurations(var _HeaderFields: Record "MOB HeaderField Element")
_HeaderFields.InitConfigurationKey('UnableToPick'); // Name of Header
// Add Header fields
// Using pre-defined helper-functions makes it easy to transfer values as field names match 100%
_HeaderFields.Create_ListField_Location(10); // 'Location' is a known field on OrderLines response
_HeaderFields.Create_TextField_FromBin(20); // 'FromBin' is a known field on OrderLines response
_HeaderFields.Create_TextField_ItemNumber(30); // 'ItemNumber' is a known field on OrderLines response
Step 3: Return Steps to collect
When the header is accepted a new request is made for which Steps to collect, called "GetRegistrationConfiguration".Subscribe to this event
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB WMS Adhoc Registr.", 'OnGetRegistrationConfiguration_OnAddSteps', '', true, true)]
local procedure CollectFailedQty(_RegistrationType: Text; var _HeaderFieldValues: Record "MOB NS Request Element"; var _Steps: Record "MOB Steps Element"; var _RegistrationTypeTracking: Text)
MobToolbox: Codeunit "MOB Toolbox";
UnableToPickQuantity: Decimal;
// Handle only this type
if _RegistrationType <> 'UnableToPick' then
// Reading Header values (not needed in this example)
// _HeaderFieldValues.Get_Location(); // Helper functions exists for common names
// _HeaderFieldValues.GetValue('AnyField'); // Any custom name
// _HeaderFieldValues.GetValueAsDecimal('AnyField'); // Get a value as decimal
// Reading context values inherited from Order Lines
// Calculate suggested quantity that was unable to be picked
UnableToPickQuantity := _HeaderFieldValues.GetContextValueAsDecimal('Quantity') - // The remaining quantity to be picked
_HeaderFieldValues.GetContextValueAsDecimal('RegisteredQuantity'); // Subtract the currently registered quantity, not-yet-posted (if any)
// Create "Decimal Step" to collect the failed quantity
_Steps.Create_DecimalStep(10, 'UnableToPickQuantity', false);
_Steps.Set_header('Unable to pick');
_Steps.Set_helpLabel('Please input the quantity you were unable to pick');
_Steps.Set_defaultValue(UnableToPickQuantity); // Suggest our calculated value as DefaultValue
_Steps.Set_minValue(0.0000000001); // Must be a positive number
_Steps.Set_eanAi(MobToolbox.GetQuantityGS1Ai()); // Set AI to quantity (310,30,37) so GS1 barcodes scans directly into the step
// (Create more steps here)
If you fail to perform this step, you will receive this error.
Step 4: Handle posting
You can now run your function from Mobile.
- Steps has been collected and you press "Accept". Now request is made to "Post" the information ("PostAdhocRegistration")
- In this step you must read the collected values and post them to the database
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <request name="PostAdhocRegistration" created="2020-02-14T15:24:24+01:00" xmlns=""> <requestData name="PostAdhocRegistration"> <MyDate>14-02-2020</MyDate> <MyText>2</MyText> <MyDecimal>4</MyDecimal> <MyDateStep>14-02-2020</MyDateStep> <MyTextStep>2</MyTextStep> <MyDecimalStep>4</MyDecimalStep> <RegistrationType>MyUnplanned</RegistrationType> </requestData> </request>
Note how both Header values and Steps values are available. in the XML.
Subscribe to OnPostAdhocRegistrationOnCustomRegistrationType
- The values are extracted from the _RequestValues parameter using "GetValue "functions.
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB WMS Adhoc Registr.", 'OnPostAdhocRegistrationOnCustomRegistrationType', '', true, true)]
local procedure MyOnPostAdhocRegistrationOnCustomRegistrationType(_RegistrationType: Text; var _RequestValues: Record "MOB NS Request Element"; var _CurrentRegistrations: Record "MOB WMS Registration";
var _SuccessMessage: Text; var _RegistrationTypeTracking: Text; var _IsHandled: Boolean)
// Handle only this type
if _RegistrationType <> 'UnableToPick' then
if _IsHandled then
// << Perform your own logic here >>
// To illustrate the values are collected in this example, the values are used in the success-message and thus displayed to the user
_SuccessMessage := StrSubstNo('Document %1 Line %2 failed to pick %3', // Display the collected values
_RequestValues.GetValueOrContextValue('OrderBackendId'), // Order Mo.
_RequestValues.GetValueOrContextValue('LineNumber'), // LineNumber
_RequestValues.GetValueAsDecimal('UnableToPickQuantity')); // The collected value
_RegistrationTypeTracking := 'Tracking info for the Document queue.';
_IsHandled := true;
Step 5: Set tracking info (optional)
The parameter _RegistrationTypeTracking can be used to make the Document Queue display additional information about your process.
Common error messages
"No document handler is available for GetRegistrationConfiguration::XYZ"
Error occurs when Accepting the header.
No steps are returned.
See Step 3.
"No document handler is available for GetRegistrationConfiguration:XXX/XmlSteps"
No steps are returned.
See Step 3.
"No document handler is available for PostAdhocRegistrationConfiguration::XYZ"
Error occurs when posting.
Posting is not handled.
See step 4
More examples
Page:Case: Add custom step 'To-Location' to Unplanned Move — Add custom step for To-Location when posting Unplanned Move from/to locations without "Directed Putaway-and-pick"
Page:Case: Default total RunTime based on produced quantity in Production Output — A customer wants the RunTime step for Production Output to be populated with a default value.
Page:How-to: Add action to Order Line menu — Add a new Unplanned Function as action on Pick Lines.
Page:How-to: Add ImageCapture Step for Adjust Quantity — Adds an extra ImageCapture Step to the Adjust Quantity functionality.
Page:How-to: Create custom Unplanned function in Main Menu — The most common control for customization
Add a new function to the Main menu. "Header fields" and optional "Steps" to collect
Pick in Main menu
The action on Pick Lines
Step 1 adds the action to Pick lines
Unplanned function Header
Step 2 adds header fields
Unplanned function Steps
Step 3 add the steps
Step 4 handles posting and displays message