Read Master Data from 3rd party Shipping App

Read Master Data from 3rd party Shipping App

Use these events to

Synchronize Shipping Provider Master Data with Pack & Ship 


The Pack & Ship framework uses its own tables and transaction data and thus has no knowledge of ANY Shipping Provider App's tables, methods, or reports.

It is the task of the connector to synchronize data from a Shipping Provider using these events:

Pack & Ship master data tables

Table NameDescription
MOB Shipping Provider

Shipping Provider must provide a unique "Shipping Provider Id" identifying this exact Connector integration.

MOB Package Type

Package Types including their default Dimensions and Unit of Measures.

  • Imported "MOB Package Types" will be available in Pack and Ship setup tables and in that way can be exposed on mobile devices
  • Master data for Package Types are synchronized using OnSynchronizePackageTypes 

MOB Packing Station (optional)

"Package Stations" is an optional entity in the.  Unless you have extended the "MOB Packing Station"-table with custom fields it is not needed to synchronize this table.

Integration Events