

Use this event to

Filter Assembly Lines to be displayed at the mobile device ('Consumption').


Affects which elements for consumption is displayed (lines derived from Assembly Line table).
With this event you can perform basic record filtering.

Default behavior is only lines of type 'Item' is displayed.  Text lines and Resource Lines are excluded at the mobile device, but can be enabled using customization (see examples below).

Hidden Resource lines will be posted automatically and proportionally to each partial Quantity To Assemble.

Displayed Item lines MUST be fully registered for each partial Quantity To Assemble meaning default Over-/UnderDelivery 'Blocked' should NOT be changed/customized in the OrderLines list.

See also: OnGetAssemblyOrderLines_OnIncludeAssemblyLine


    [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::CodeunitCodeunit::"MOB WMS Assembly", 'OnGetAssemblyOrderLines_OnSetFilterAssemblyLine''', true, true)]
    local procedure OnGetAssemblyOrderLines_OnSetFilterAssemblyLine(var _AssemblyLine: Record "Assembly Line")

Example: Include Text lines and Item lines from the Assembly Lines, but still exclude Resource lines

    // [Example 01]
    // Include Text lines and Item lines from the Assembly Lines, but still exclude Resource lines
    // Hidden Resource lines will be posted automatically and proportionally to each partial Quantity To Assemble
    // Displayed Item lines MUST be fully registered for each partial Quantity To Assemble meaning
    // default Over-/UnderDelivery 'Blocked' should NOT be changed/customized at the 'Consumption' lines.
    [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::CodeunitCodeunit::"MOB WMS Assembly", 'OnGetAssemblyOrderLines_OnSetFilterAssemblyLine''', true, true)]
    local procedure My01OnGetAssemblyOrderLines_OnSetFilterAssemblyLine(var _AssemblyLine: Record "Assembly Line")
        _AssemblyLine.SetFilter(Type'%1|%2', _AssemblyLine.Type::" ", _AssemblyLine.Type::Item);

Example: Include Resource Lines and Item Lines

    // [Example 02]
    // Include Resource Lines and Item Lines
    [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::CodeunitCodeunit::"MOB WMS Assembly", 'OnGetAssemblyOrderLines_OnSetFilterAssemblyLine''', true, true)]
    local procedure My02OnGetAssemblyOrderLines_OnSetFilterAssemblyLine(var _AssemblyLine: Record "Assembly Line")
        _AssemblyLine.SetFilter(Type'%1|%2', _AssemblyLine.Type::Resource, _AssemblyLine.Type::Item);

Example: Include all lines (Text Lines, Resource Lines and Item Lines)

    // [Example 03]
    // Include all lines (Text Lines, Resource Lines and Item Lines)
    [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::CodeunitCodeunit::"MOB WMS Assembly", 'OnGetAssemblyOrderLines_OnSetFilterAssemblyLine''', true, true)]
    local procedure My03OnGetAssemblyOrderLines_OnSetFilterAssemblyLine(var _AssemblyLine: Record "Assembly Line")

More examples


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