

Use this event to

Create new DataTables ("ListData") that can be used from Steps and HeaderConfigurations.

DataTables are static data in Reference Data, meaning they are loaded on login and cannot change dynamically.


A DataTable is a lists of "entries" sharing a common DataTableId, usually used to fill choices in dropdown-lists at the Mobile Device. DataTables can be referenced from Steps or HeaderConfigurations.

See also: OnGetReferenceData_OnAfterAddDataTableEntry

DataTable or listValues?

An alternative to DataTables is listValues that has advantages and disadvantages as compared to DataTables:

Static, loaded only once at loginCan be dynamic, is created at time of XmlResponse
Can be reused, is referenced only by its key (DataTableId)Lists must be created and sent with XmlResponse
Most efficient, is created and loaded only once at loginLess efficient, in particular if lists are large
Can contain multiple fields per entry ie. Code and NameContains only one field per entry
Requires this addtional eventsubscriber to create the DataTableRequires no extra eventSubscriber to create the listValues

Consider using Steps.Create_ListStepFromListValues() or HeaderField.Create_ListFieldFromListValues() if your lists are short, only requires one field per entry - or needs to be dynamic.


    [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::CodeunitCodeunit::"MOB WMS Reference Data", 'OnGetReferenceData_OnAddDataTables''', true, true)]
    local procedure OnGetReferenceData_OnAddDataTables(var _DataTable: Record "MOB DataTable Element"; _MobileUserID: Code[50])
        _DataTable.InitDataTable('MyCustomDataTableId');   // Replace with your own dataTable identifier to be used with Set_dataTable(...) from Steps and HeaderConfigurations

        // Create your DataTable entries here
        // ...

Example (1)

    // [Example] 01 - Create new custom DataTable based on BC table using a Create_XXX template
    [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::CodeunitCodeunit::"MOB WMS Reference Data", 'OnGetReferenceData_OnAddDataTables''', true, true)]
    local procedure My01OnGetReferenceData_OnAddDataTables(var _DataTable: Record "MOB DataTable Element"; _MobileUserID: Code[50])
        CountryRegion: Record "Country/Region";

        if CountryRegion.FindSet() then
                _DataTable.Create_CodeAndName(CountryRegion.Code, CountryRegion.Name);
            until CountryRegion.Next() 0;

Example (2)

    // [Example] 02 - Create new custom DataTable based on with no use of templates
    [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::CodeunitCodeunit::"MOB WMS Reference Data", 'OnGetReferenceData_OnAddDataTables''', true, true)]
    local procedure My02OnGetReferenceData_OnAddDataTables(var _DataTable: Record "MOB DataTable Element"; _MobileUserID: Code[50])
        CountryRegion: Record "Country/Region";

        if CountryRegion.FindSet() then
                _DataTable.SetValue('Code', CountryRegion.Code);
                _DataTable.SetValue('EUCode', CountryRegion."EU Country/Region Code");
            until CountryRegion.Next() 0;

Example (3)

    // [Example] 03 - Create new custom DataTable based on optionfield
    [EventSubscriber(ObjectType::CodeunitCodeunit::"MOB WMS Reference Data", 'OnGetReferenceData_OnAddDataTables''', true, true)]
    local procedure My03OnGetReferenceData_OnAddDataTables(var _DataTable: Record "MOB DataTable Element"; _MobileUserID: Code[50])
        SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header";
        MobCommonMgt: Codeunit "MOB Common Mgt.";
        MobToolbox: Codeunit "MOB Toolbox";
        OptionIndex: Integer;

        for OptionIndex := MobToolbox.AsInteger(SalesHeader."Document Type"::Quoteto MobToolbox.AsInteger(SalesHeader."Document Type"::"Return Order"do begin
            SalesHeader."Document Type" := MobCommonMgt.AsSalesDocumentTypeFromInteger(OptionIndex);

            _DataTable.SetValue('DocumentType', Format(SalesHeader."Document Type"));

More examples

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.

Version History

MOB5.15Introduced (supersedes OnGetReferenceData_OnAfterAddListDataAsXml)
MOB5.26Parameter _MobileUserID added.