Unexpected Posting result - check the 'Shipping Provider Id'

Unexpected Posting result - check the 'Shipping Provider Id'


When posting the Warehouse shipment, additional posting code Pack & Ship Connectors are run, like:

  • ShipIT 365, Transport Order
  • LogTrade, Consignment Order
    are created and License Plates are created as Packages

Some shipments should not be handled by a Pack & Ship Shipping connecter

In other scenarios, you want to handle the shipping with some kind of 'own logistic' and only a posted Warehouse Shipment and License Plates to be created.


What posting routines will be triggered, is based on the value of the field 'Shipping Provider Id' in the 'Package Type' on the 'License Plates', related to the Warehouse Shipment.

If you do not get the expected result after posting, please check:

Step 1: License Plate's "Package Type" points to the correct Shipping Provider

Check the Package Types on all the related License Plates, to make sure they end up using the the 'Shipping provider Id' you expect.

Shipping Provider IdActionNote
'' <blank>Posted Warehouse Shipment with related License PlatesIntended for own logistics
'SHIPIT365'Transport Order with Packages related to License PlatesShipIT 365
'LOGTRADE'Consignment Order with Packages related to License PlatesLogTrade

Step 2: Mobile WMS Package Setup

Please also check the Mobile WMS Package Setup to ensure the expected relation between Shipping Agent and Package Types.

In this example, we have Package Type PALLET + BOX available for Shipping Agent 'OWN LOG.' and SHIPIT365-BOX + SHIPIT365-BIGBOX for Shipping Agent 'DHL PA TF'