Unplanned Function, Online Validation

Unplanned Function, Online Validation


Unplanned Functions (Ad-hoc) collector steps can also be used with Online Validation to check the user entered data.

This is an example of how to add Serial Number Validation to "Unplanned Move"

Step 1: 

Please follow Online validation to enable online validation.

Step 2 

This will add the necessary functions to enable Online Validation.

Step 2.1

Create the following (non-local) function "RC_SetOnlineValidationName" in codeunit "MOB WMS Conf. Tools"

RC_SetOnlineValidationName(_Name : Text)
OnlineValidationName := _Name;

Step 2.2

Create a global variable "OnlineValidationName" of type Text

Step 2.3

Add the following to the end of function "RC_Step_XmlNode"

IF OnlineValidationName <> '' THEN BEGIN

Step 3

In Codeunit 6181380 "MOB WMS Adhoc Registr."

Call the new function to set the name of the validation. Here we name it "'ValidateSerialNumber".

Step 4

In Codeunit 6181379 "MOB WMS Whse. Inquiry"

Enter your validation logic here to check Serial no. is correct.

Step 5

Create a new Mobile Document type with code "ValidateSerialNumber".

Add the "WMS" Mobile Group to this new Document type.

You should now be able to use online validation.