You get a runtime error on mobile with an error message from Business Central.
You experience bad performance
See Error Messages
See View Request and Response XML and Error Call Stack
The callstack points to the code where the Error happens.
This code is not necessarily the source of the error - but it is still valuable information that we need to know.
The call stack is included in the XML Response.
Note: Tasklet support might also be able to see a limited Callstack using "Telemetry".
Partners extend Mobile WMS with their code. Do you have other extensions installed?
Try uninstalling them temporarily.
Consider doing this in a sandbox (step 6) to avoid disrupting the business.
Go to the "Code Coverage" -page.
Go to the "Event Subscriptions" by adding ?page=9510 to your URL.
Example with filters:'Publisher Object ID' IS '6181000..6182250' AND 'Subscriber Codeunit ID' IS '<6181000|>6182250'
Please note that the filtered view displays only subscribers to Mobile WMS events. However, a request may also trigger other partner subscriber functions that are linked to standard Business Central events, such as posting events or database triggers related to standard BC tables.
With a sandbox you can:
See Performance Profiler (AL Profiler)
Also, when dealing with slow performance on BC Online, consider raising a Support Case with Microsoft, directly from Business Central.