When you are picking items in Mobile WMS, you can use different order types. The parameters need to be enabled per document type.
When you check mark these two fields, there will be included extra information in the XML sent to the mobile device.
Enable Barcode Quantity - when set to "Yes" the barcode and matching quantity is used on the mobile device.
Enable Register Quantity By Scan - set to "yes" changes the behavior on the mobile device to scan once = quantity, scan twice = 2 x quantity.
Picking List has a few more parameters, that is listed here:
Default container - when you pick and pack items into a container, this is the default container.
Outbound License Plate Grouping - your outbound license plates can be combined by this value.
Filter on operator - yes/no. When you open a picking list, we start it and changes the status to "started". If the user has a worker relation, then this is also updated on the picking list. Now you can use the filter to only show picking lists that are new and those you have started.