Has to use the Scanner Edge application to work.
It was previously called something else but in the newer Honeywell versions it is included as an App.
The scanner edge connects the Granit scanner the MobileWMS directly via bluetooth. The granit cradle is then only used for charging.
A special version of the honeywell scan engine needs to be set up so that the scan engine will claim the reader for that:
_barcodeReader = new BarcodeReader("dcs.scanner.ble", AndroidApplication.MainActivity);
I(PB) have yet looked into the option of having both the internal and external scan engine but maybe the "scanner edge app" can return information that a device has been set up?
To setup for aim:
This barcode has been created using the EZConfig-Scanning tool from honeywell. The Honeywell gradle needs to be connected via usb to a PC to set this up.
In Data formatting the prefix: "\[0x81] has been added.
As explained here All Honeywell devices with Android 8 ++ have the scanner edge incorporated as a part of the in the Honeywell OS.
For support (can be used in a knowledgebase article):
From version 1.5.1 Mobile WMS supports Honeywell Granit 1981i External scanners (referred to as the external device) along with the internal scanner.
There are a few prerequisites for using the setup:
1. Honeywell devices with Android version from version 8 and forward (Scanner edge app)
Honeywell have made an app named "Scanner Edge" that is used for connecting bluetooth scanners. In the next section it is explained how to connect e.g. the Granit 1981i device.
The Scanner Edge app is a part of the Honeywell Android OS from Android version 8 and forward.
2. Connect the external device to the Honeywell Android device
The Granit external device connects directly to the Android device via bluetooth. It only uses the cradle for charging.
Open the Scanner Edge app.
Click the menu icon in the top left corner, and select the Pair BT scanner menu item.
Scan the "Connect Barcode" to connect and the device should be connected.
Verify by opening the menu item "Connected Devices".
Once set up the external device will automatically connect to the Android device again.
NB! It is important that you follow the third step in the setup
3. The Aim prefix needs to be set up on the external device (a barcode must be scanned)
For the Mobile WMS application to work properly we need to set it up to prefix all barcodes with the AIM.
The AIM is three characters added to the barcode. E.g. ]C0 for a Code 128 barcode, ]D1 for a datamatrix and ]D2 for a GS1 datamatrix.
Here is a more detailed description: https://support.honeywellaidc.com/s/article/What-is-the-AIM-identifier-of-a-barcode
Scan this barcode to set up the prefix on the external scanner: