Use this event to
Create new steps for existing and new Adhoc RegistrationTypes.
See also:
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB WMS Adhoc Registr.", 'OnGetRegistrationConfiguration_OnAddSteps', '', true, true)]
procedure OnGetRegistrationConfiguration_OnAddSteps(_RegistrationType: Text; var _HeaderFilter: Record "MOB NS Request Element"; var _Steps: Record "MOB Steps Element"; var _RegistrationTypeTracking: Text[200])
// Get RegistrationConfiguration for RegistrationType=ItemDimensions, add additional step for Cubage
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB WMS Adhoc Registr.", 'OnGetRegistrationConfiguration_OnAddSteps', '', true, true)]
procedure MyOnGetRegistrationConfiguration_OnAddSteps(_RegistrationType: Text; var _HeaderFilter: Record "MOB NS Request Element"; var _Steps: Record "MOB Steps Element"; var _RegistrationTypeTracking: Text[200])
ItemUoM: Record "Item Unit of Measure";
MobToolbox: Codeunit "MOB Toolbox";
MobWmsLanguage: Codeunit "MOB WMS Language";
MobWmsToolbox: Codeunit "MOB WMS Toolbox";
ItemNo: Code[20];
VariantCode: Code[10];
UnitOfMeasureCode: Code[10];
UoMExists: Boolean;
if _RegistrationType = MobWmsToolbox."CONST::ItemDimensions"() then begin
ItemNo := MobWmsToolbox.SearchItemCrossRef(CopyStr(MobToolbox.ReadEAN(_HeaderFilter.GetValue('ItemNumber')), 1, 20), VariantCode);
UnitOfMeasureCode := CopyStr(_HeaderFilter.GetValue('UnitOfMeasure'), 1, 10);
ItemUoM.SetRange("Item No.", ItemNo);
ItemUoM.SetRange(Code, UnitOfMeasureCode);
UoMExists := ItemUoM.FindFirst();
with _Steps do begin
// STEP: Cubage
Create_QuantityStep(50, ItemNo);
Set_label(MobWmsLanguage.GetMessage('CUBAGE_LABEL') + ':');
if UoMExists then
More examples
(Legacy) Case: Print muliple labels with unique lot numbers (MOB5.23-MOB5.38) — Option to generate and print multiple unique labels
Case: Add custom step 'To-Location' to Unplanned Move — Add custom step for To-Location when posting Unplanned Move from/to locations without "Directed Putaway-and-pick"
Case: Add Header Step to inbound goods documents (Signature Step) — The warehouse employee must sign inbound goods (signature step).
Case: Add Header Step to inbound goods documents (Text Step) — When receiving goods, a new text collector step must be added for the user to enter comments about goods being damaged etc.
Case: Add Line Steps to Warehouse Receipts — A customer wishes to start using Item NetWeight and -GrossWeight, but have currently no values registered at the Item Card. Create a temporary customization is to collect these weights when goods are received.
Case: Add Posting Date step to Production Consumption and Output — A customer wishes to allow mobile users to specify the posting date when posting Production Consumption and Output from the mobile device.
Case: Collect ExpirationDate in a custom text step — Collect ExpirationDate in a custom text step.
Case: Create a custom implementation for Package Numbers — A new custom implementation for Package Numbers in Mobile WMS is required to meet demands from other customizations or a vertical solution.
Case: Default total RunTime based on produced quantity in Production Output — A customer wants the RunTime step for Production Output to be populated with a default value.
Case: Display breakbulk information when posting breakbulk lines automatically — Display addtional breakbulk information during picks, when breakbulk lines is otherwise hidden due to "Mobile WMS Setup"."Post breakbulk lines automatically".
Case: Filter Bin Content for specific Serial No. — Filter Lookup Bin Content for a specific Serial No.
Case: Filter Inventory Movements of Asmbl. Orders for specific Sales Order — The user wants to filter Warehouse Documents on specific Sales Order number, using the existing Planned Movements function.
Case: Filter Receipts based on Comments — The user wants to filter Receipts on whether they have comments or not
Case: Interrupt posting and add steps for Shipping Agent Service Code — Ask the user for what Shipping Agent and Service Code during Warehouse pick posting
Version History
Version | Changes |
MOB5.14 | Introduced |