Scan ExpirationDate as custom format YYYYMM when goods is received from any Vendor.
Proposed solution
Scan ExpirationDate as new text field in custom format YYYYMM when items is received from any Vendor. The change must be in effect for all four receive document types:
- Warehouse Receipt
- Purchase Order
- Transfer Receipt
- Sales Return Order
Disable standard Expiration Date step due to this always being validated as date format, then create a new custom step validated from a regular expression. This regular expression must validate year as "20 + two digits" and month as "0 + one digit" or "10", "11" or "12".
When saving RegistrationData, the new custom ExpirationDate should be used when creating the RegistrationData-entry. The RegistrationData."Expiration Date" will be used by Mobile WMS posting functions with no further changes.
// Create new RegistrationCollectorConfiguration-Key in reference data with one new step named "CustomExpirationDate"
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB WMS Reference Data", 'OnGetReferenceData_OnAfterAddRegistrationCollectorConfigurationsAsXml', '', true, true)]
local procedure OnGetReferenceData_OnAfterAddRegistrationCollectorConfigurationsAsXml(var _XmlResponseData: XmlNode)
MobXmlMgt: Codeunit "MOB XML Management";
XmlConfigurationNode: XmlNode;
XmlKeyNode: XmlNode;
XmlValueNode: XmlNode;
XmlCDataSection: XmlCdata;
// Add the mandatory nodes
MobXmlMgt.AddElement(_XmlResponseData, 'Configuration', '', '', XmlConfigurationNode);
MobXmlMgt.AddElement(XmlConfigurationNode, 'Key', 'MyCustomSteps', '', XmlKeyNode);
MobXmlMgt.AddElement(XmlConfigurationNode, 'Value', '', '', XmlValueNode);
// Add the CDATA section to the Value-Node
XmlCDataSection := GetOrderLineExtraInfoCDataSection();
MobXMLMgt.NodeAppendCData(XmlValueNode, XmlCDataSection);
local procedure GetOrderLineExtraInfoCDataSection() XmlCDataSection: XmlCdata
MobXmlMgt: Codeunit "MOB XML Management";
MobConfTools: Codeunit "MOB WMS Conf. Tools";
DummyXmlDocument: XmlDocument;
RegexExpr: Text[1024];
// Create an empty CDATA section to add the registrationCollectorConfiguration XML to
MobXmlMgt.NodeCreateCData(DummyXmlDocument, XmlCDataSection, '');
// Create the start tags of the configuration xml. These must be closed afterwards.
MobXMLMgt.NodeAppendCDataText(XmlCDataSection, '<registrationCollectorConfiguration>');
MobXMLMgt.NodeAppendCDataText(XmlCDataSection, '<steps>');
// Add the actual steps
RegexExpr := '(20[0-4]\d)(0[1-9]|1[0-2])'; // "20"+ remaining two digits in year then two digit month (0+single digit or 10, 11 or 12)
MobConfTools.RC_Std_Parms(10000, 'MyExpirationDate', 'Expiration Date (YYYYMM)', 'Expiration Date:', 'Expiration Date in format YYYYMM');
MobConfTools.RC_Text_CData(XmlCDataSection, '', 6);
MobXMLMgt.NodeAppendCDataText(XmlCDataSection, '</steps>');
MobXMLMgt.NodeAppendCDataText(XmlCDataSection, '</registrationCollectorConfiguration>');
// Add steps referenced by new RegistrationCollectorConfiguration-Key to line steps collectors
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB WMS Receive", 'OnGetReceiveOrderLines_OnAddStepsToAnyLine', '', true, true)]
procedure OnGetReceiveOrderLines_OnAddStepsToAnyLine(_RecRef: RecordRef; var _BaseOrderLineElement: Record "MOB Ns BaseDataModel Element")
with _BaseOrderLineElement do
// MOB5.11
// Currently the Android Mobile App supports only one "RegisterExtraInfo"-node (one extra RegistrationCollectorConfigurationKey).
// The last subscriber to OnGetReceiveOrderLines_OnAfterAddStepsByReferenceDataKey must set a <RegisterExtraInfo>-key that includes steps for all previous subscribers.
// This is only possible by knowing what other customizations is done and manually create a new RegistrationCollectorConfigurationKey that includes all steps.
// In this demo we expect to be only subscriber and throw an error if earlier subscribtions exists by including optional _ErrorIfAlreadyCreated parameter.
// We cannot test if later subcribers is overriding this value we set.
if Get_RegisterExpirationDate() = 'true' then begin
Set_RegisterExpirationDate(false); // Disable the standard (date format) expiration date step
Create_StepsByReferenceDataKey('MyCustomSteps', true); // This key must include MyExpirationDate-step but may include other steps as well
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB WMS Toolbox", 'OnSaveRegistrationValue', '', true, true)]
procedure OnSaveRegistrationValue(_Path: Text; _Value: Text; var _MobileWMSRegistration: Record "MOB WMS Registration"; var _IsHandled: Boolean)
Year: Integer;
Month: Integer;
if _Path <> 'MyExpirationDate' then
if _Value <> '' then begin
Evaluate(Year, CopyStr(_Value, 1, 4));
Evaluate(Month, CopyStr(_Value, 5, 2));
_MobileWMSRegistration."Expiration Date" := DMY2Date(01, Month, Year);
end else
_MobileWMSRegistration."Expiration Date" := 0D;
_IsHandled := true;
Version History
Version | Changes |
MOB5.11 | Neccessary events introduced |