English: Unplanned Count without Whse. Lot Tracking is not supported Danish: Uplanlagt optælling er ikke supporteret uden lagersporing aktiveret
When Item Lot tracking are used in combination with bins, its recommended that "Lot Warehouse Tracking" is enabled as well (Item Tracking Code).
If Warehouse Tracking is Disabled, the "Item Ledger Entry" will hold information of Lot, however this informations is not registred Per Bin.
This makes it impossible to calculate and create the Relevant tracking lines for posting.
I cannot enable Lot Warehouse Tracking.
You get the error "Entries exist for item XYZ. The field "Lot Warehouse Tracking" cannot be changed."
This is due to once Item Ledger entries exists for this itme, you cannot change the field.
USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. However if "Lot Specific Tracking" always have been enabled, you could enable Lot Warehouse Tracking by bringing the Warehouse inventory quantity to zero and the set the field by code. Afterwards you can adjust the inventory to the correct quantity.