There is a way to link fields together in the header. Using the linkedElement/filterColumn/linkColumn attributes.
Step-by-step guide - "filter"
Before using the filter function, you must setup the following in GetReferenceData
- Write the table "MasterTable".
- Write the table "SlaveTable".
- In the header configure "Master" as:
id = 5
name = TestMaster
inputType = List
dataTable = MasterTable
dataKeyColumn = MasterKey
dataDisplayColumn = MasterName
linkedElement = 6 - This points to the slave list. - In the header configure "Slave" as:
id = 6
name = TestSlave
inputType = List
dataTable = SlaveTable
dataKeyColumn = SlaveKey
dataDisplayColumn = SlaveName
filterColumn = SlaveMasterKey - This points to the column in SlaveTable to filter the values on.
Step-by-step guide - "linkColumn"
This method will change the value of another field when a specific field is changed.
The "Slave" field can be changed afterwards, but if "Master" is changed, the "Slave" will receive a new value.
Demo, in GetReferenceData do the following.
- Write the table "MasterTable.
- In the header configure "Master" as:
id = 5
name = TestMaster
inputType = List
dataTable = MasterTable
dataKeyColumn = MasterKey
dataDisplayColumn = MasterName
linkedElement = 6 - This points to the slave field.
linkColumn = MasterKey - This is the value we want to be transfered to slave field - In the header configure "Slave" as:
id = 6
name = TestSlave
inputType = Text
Whenever the "Master" field is change - the "Key" from the MasterTable is copied to the "Slave" field.
Example: this is used in Unplanned Move. Look a class Mob_GetReferenceData.addUnplannedMoveHeader(..)
It is used to set "To warehouse" to the same value as "From warehouse", but the "To warehouse" can be changed afterwards.
Tables used
For the examples, this data is used to demo the functionality.
MasterKey | MasterName |
M1 | Bike |
M2 | Car |
M3 | Truck |
The 2 tables are linked so the MasterTable.MasterKey --> SlaveTable.SlaveMasterKey
SlaveMasterKey | SlaveKey | SlaveName |
M1 | S1 | City bike |
M1 | S2 | Mountainbike bike |
M1 | S3 | Motor bike |
M2 | S5 | Sports car |
M2 | S6 | MPV |
M2 | S7 | Wargon |
M3 | S9 | Just Truck |