Use this event to
Add Steps to be displayed at the mobile device before posting (the Order).
Header steps are executed...
- after all lines have been registered at the mobile device, and "Post the order?" page was accepted.
- when the mobile user manually select "Post".
Collected values for Steps created from this event is best handled in the OnPostAssemblyOrder_OnBeforePostAssemblyOrder event.
To add steps to the "line" level at the mobile device, see: OnGetAssemblyOrderLines_OnAddStepsTo...
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB WMS Assembly", 'OnGetAssemblyOrderLines_OnAddStepsToAssemblyHeader', '', true, true)]
local procedure OnGetAssemblyOrderLines_OnAddStepsToAssemblyHeader(_AssemblyHeader: Record "Assembly Header"; var _Steps: Record "MOB Steps Element")
// [Example] Display information step and new step for forecast assembly time data collection
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB WMS Assembly", 'OnGetAssemblyOrderLines_OnAddStepsToAssemblyHeader', '', true, true)]
local procedure MyOnGetAssemblyOrderLines_OnAddStepsToAssemblyHeader(_AssemblyHeader: Record "Assembly Header"; var _Steps: Record "MOB Steps Element")
_Steps.Create_InformationStep(10000, 'MyInformationStep');
_Steps.Set_header('New Information');
_Steps.Set_helpLabel('We are updating our Assembly BOMs to include Resources. To assist this please record the exact time used for the assembly in the next step.');
_Steps.Create_IntegerStep(20000, 'MyAssemblyTimeStep');
_Steps.Set_header('Assembly Time (Minutes)');
_Steps.Set_helpLabel('Total incl. setup (min. 1 minute)');
More examples
Case: Add Posting Date step to Production Consumption and Output — A customer wishes to allow mobile users to specify the posting date when posting Production Consumption and Output from the mobile device.
Case: Collect ExpirationDate in a custom text step — Collect ExpirationDate in a custom text step.
How-to: Production Output - Implement a Unit of Measure step — For Items with multiple Unit of Measure codes
Version History
Version | Changes |
MOB5.24 | Introduced |