<orderLinesConfiguration> - Configuration for the OrderLines page type.
promptUserToPostWhenAllLinesComplete = "true" - Defines weather the used is prompted to post all registrations when they have all been done.
suggestQuantity = "true" - Determines if the suggested quantity value should be pre-filled into the quantity step.
verifySingleScanRegistrations = "false" - Determines if single scan registration is allowed, or if the user needs to verify and save the registration manually. Formerly known as singleScanRegistration. The new property is used reversed to the old property, where enabling verifySingleScanRegistraion will stop the registration at the last step of the registration collector.
<viewRegistrations> - Enable viewing registrations, by adding an item to the action item of the page.
title = "" - Title used in the action menus.
navigateTo = "" - Reference to a page for displaying registrations, which must be of type Registrations. /wiki/spaces/SD/pages/78939807
title = "" - Title displayed in the menu of the page.
enabled = "true" - Toggles whether deleting registrations is allowed.
<onOrderPosted> - Defines actions to perform when an order has been posted.
clearOrderLevelRegistrations = "true" - Clear order level registrations when an order has been posted, such that performing a new registration will require the user to fill out the order level registration again.