Make sure relevant Warehouse/Inventory Put-away exists for the selected Location.
2) Step-by-step process of creating Warehouse Put-aways
There are two types of Put-away documents.
Warehouse Put-away
and Inventory Put-away
The most common setup is to use "advanced warehousing" aka the "Warehouse" documents.
This might notbe your setup. See Location setup for details.
Steps to create Warehouse Put-away from Warehouse Receipt
Create and Release a Purchase order with lines for the relevant Location
Create a Warehouse Receipt from the Purchase Order
Post the Warehouse Receipt from BC or Mobile device
When Put-away is enabled on the Location card, the Receipt posting will initiate the creation of the Put-away
In BC/NAV you will see the following message: "Number of source documents posted: 1 out of a total of 1. Number of put-away activities created: 1." (Fig.1)
2: You can now see the Put-away document on the Mobile Device
Steps to create Inventory Put-away from Purchase Order
Create and Release a Purchase order with lines for the relevant Location
Do NOT post receipt, the lines should be ready for Receipt
Create a Inventory Put-Away from the Purchase Order
In BC/NAV you will see the following message:
Number of Invt. Put-away activities created: 1 out of a total of 1. (Fig.2)
You can now see the Put-away document on the Mobile Device