Excerpt |
Add Steps to be displayed during a line registration on planned functions |
Line steps are displayed on every line. Unless you modify Step dynamically for change the steps visibility.
Step 1: Define Line Step(s)
Select the event based on which functionality you are modifying.
Filter by label (Content by label) | ||||||||
Add code to OnGetReferenceData_OnAddRegistrationCollectorConfigurations the to create your step(s). // Step 1: Define steps
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB WMS Reference Data", 'OnGetReferenceData_OnAddRegistrationCollectorConfigurations', '', false, false)]
local procedure MyOnGetReferenceData_OnAddRegistrationCollectorConfigurations(var _Steps: Record "MOB Steps Element")
_Steps.Create_TextStep(10, 'MyTextStep', 'Header text', 'Label text', 'Help text', 'Default text', 30);
Step 2: Add steps to Pick-function
Step 1: Define steps. In this example, the step is added to the Pick Order lines and the value from this step is then added directly to the Sales Comment Line, in the Sales Order.
Step 1: Define Line Step(s)
Using OnGetPickOrderLines_OnAddStepsToAnyLine to add the steps to Pick Order Lines
Changes to Reference Data are only visible after logging out/in
You should now see the steps you have added
2: Store and Process the data
Subscribe to an OnHandle event OnPostPickOrder_OnHandleRegistrationForAnyLine
In this example, we store the step text value as a Sales Comment Line
// Step 3: Store collected step valuesStep 2: Store collected step values
[EventSubscriber(ObjectType::Codeunit, Codeunit::"MOB WMS Pick", 'OnPostPickOrder_OnHandleRegistrationForAnyLine', '', true, true)]
local procedure OnPostPickOrder_OnHandleRegistrationForAnyLine(var _Registration: Record "MOB WMS Registration"; var _RecRef: RecordRef)
SalesLine: Record "Sales Line";
MyTextValue: Text;
MyTextValue := _Registration.GetValue('MyTextStep');
if MyTextValue = '' then
// Get the source document line as this event if for "Any line". Choose a more specific event if you only need to handle one document type
if _RecRef.Number = Database::"Sales Line" then begin
AddAsCommentLine(SalesLine, 'FromMobile', CopyStr(MyTextValue, 1, 80));
// Note: You might also need to subscribe to Standard Posting Routines to process your new data
local procedure AddAsCommentLine(_SalesLine: Record "Sales Line"; _Code: Code[10]; _Comment: Text[80])
SalesCommmentLine: Record "Sales Comment Line";
NextLineNo: Integer;
// Find next LineNo
SalesCommmentLine.SetRange("Document Type", _SalesLine."Document Type");
SalesCommmentLine.SetRange("No.", _SalesLine."Document No.");
if SalesCommmentLine.FindLast() then
NextLineNo := SalesCommmentLine."Line No." + 10000
NextLineNo := 10000;
// Init and insert the comment line
SalesCommmentLine."Document Type" := _SalesLine."Document Type";
SalesCommmentLine."No." := _SalesLine."Document No.";
SalesCommmentLine."Document Line No." := _SalesLine."Line No.";
SalesCommmentLine.Code := _Code;
SalesCommmentLine."Line No." := NextLineNo;
SalesCommmentLine.Date := Today();
SalesCommmentLine.Comment := _Comment;