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Pick Order Handler

When you are picking items in Mobile WMS, you can use different order types. The parameters need to be enabled per document type.

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When you check mark these two fields, there will be included extra information in the XML sent to the mobile device. 

    • Enable Barcode Quantity - when set to "Yes" the barcode and matching quantity is used on the mobile device. 
    • Enable Register Quantity By Scan - set to "yes" changes the behavior on the mobile device to scan once = quantity, scan twice = 2 x quantity.

Picking List has a few more parameters, that is listed here:Image Removed

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    • Use Outbound License Plates when picking - when set to "Yes", you will get an extra step on the mobile device asking for an ID of the container you are using. 
    • Use Packing Slip for Packing List - When set to "Yes", you will post the sales order packing slip automatically. 
    • Default container - when you pick and pack items into a container, this is the default container. The mobile device will not ask  about packing material. 
      • If you leave the field empty, you will get an extra step on the mobile device, asking what packing material you are using. 
    • Outbound License Plate Grouping - your outbound license plates can be combined by this value.Field - if you consolidate multiple picking lists you can group across picking lists to put items in the same container ID. 
    • Filter on operator - yes/no. When you open a picking list, we start it and changes the status to "started". If the user has a worker relation, then this is also updated on the picking list. Now you can use the filter to only show picking lists that are new and those you have started. 
    • Accumulate lines - not in use.